Lot | Description | Reserve |
| The following 17 lots have been selected from the collection of our late Chairman Peter Andrews (ESC 122) to
carry out his wish that Circle members should be given first choice in the sale of his material. We are grateful to Peter’s family for
their enormous help and co-operation in allowing us to bring these lots to your attention. | |
| Egypt Official stamps | |
1 |
Complete sheet of four panes of the December 1914 4 millièmes vermilion De La Rue overprinted for official purposes O.H.H.S.
in English and Arabic in 1915 at Bulaq (with hamza over alef, SG 089, NP O16, Magdy 15), carefully mounted on card.
Total of 240 stamps, with all margins intact. Must be all but unique! Part illustrated
 | £500.00
2 |
Complete sheet of two panes of the 5 millièmes lake De La Rue Pictorial issue of 1914 with narrow wmk upright overprinted for
official purposes at Bulaq (with hamza over alef) in October 1915 (SG 090, NP O17, Magdy 16), carefully mounted on card.
Total of 200 stamps in two vertical panes of 100, but missing the left hand margin. Again, must be all but unique.
Part illustrated
 | £450.00
3 |
Old springback Prangnell Merton Album overstuffed with Collection of Officials from the “No value” stamp of 1893, which includes
an UMM block of 39 and another of 35 with control, to the 1985 issue in its various guises – was this the last issue of Officials?
The collection is all but complete including control blocks, official covers from various departments and sets both mint and used.
Vast catalogue value, approx 75 pages, and a lifetime’s work
 | £450.00
| Egypt postal history | |
4 |
Posta Europea: an accumulation of seven loose entires all with Posta Europea cancellations including Damiata, Mansura, Samanud, Alexandria,
together with a further seven entires on sheets mounted and written up. Fourteen in all, and a very good base for expansion 25 IV 03, b/w postcard
(Al-Azhar mosque) sent from Cairo to Nuremburg franked with 1m+3m DLR stamps (SG 58,61) both punctured with rare perfin K & H C
(Kortenhaus and Hammerstein, Cairo). Most unusual
 | £120.00
5 |
World War I: A recently purchased cover with dealer’s asking price still clear, franked De La Rue Pictorial 5 millièmes lake and cancelled with two
strikes (one across stamp, other on cover) of the rare MILITARY CAMP AERODROME HELIOPOLIS
 | £85.00
6 |
A second WWI cover, again recently purchased, with manuscript “On Active Service”, and franked DLR 5 mills lake cancelled Alexandria / G
with the addressee being the daughter? of Sir Courtauld Thomson, Chief Commissioner of the Red Cross for Malta and the Near East from 1915 to 1919,
whose signature appears on the cover – as the dealer states, “A superb early Red Cross item”
 | £55.00
| Egypt censorship | |
7 |
Peter’s book was titled Censorship of Civil Mail in Egypt 1939 to 1945, so this collection labelled “Civil Censorship 1948 to 1974” is his
successor group. Housed in three (all but new) Prangnell Rapkin Merton red albums, plus a clear bag with much of the late Dennis Clarke’s material,
this must be the finest source material for writing the follow-up! This is the period of the Arab-Israeli conflicts and much of the material must be
very scarce. Well written up, so not a lot of research needed, and a mine of information
 | £250.00
| Egyptian Palestine | |
8 |
A green Merton album with mostly mint Palestine overprint collection all but complete with singles, blocks and cylinder blocks, stamps from 1947 including
airs, to 1958 and including five covers. Hundreds of stamps
 | £50.00
| Egypt instructional markings | |
9 |
A new red Merton album with about 36 pages with covers bearing Instructional Markings including AR, Non Reclame, Unknown, Return to Sender
(in many different types), Refuse, Postage Insufficient for Air Mail, Bureau des Rebuts etc on a multitude of covers. If you like this sort of thing,
this is the one for you
 | £150.00
| French connection | |
10 |
Essays of Riester (Paris) 1866; four recess printed essays in the four known colours all with emblems. Beautiful!
 | £85.00
11 |
Suez Canal Co stamps of 1868: two unused blocks of the 20 centimes value, one of four, the other of eight. Offered “as is” but believed to be the
genuine article. Peter has identified on his page the positions of the stamps on the sheet
 | £60.00
12 |
French Post Offices: Black Merton album housing a near complete mint collection of these somewhat elusive stamps produced for use in Alexandria
and Port Said. Includes all the later overprints, even those on the postage dues (scarce). Run starts with the 1899 Sage overprints and continues
through until the offices closed in 1931. Some covers included
 | £150.00
| Interpostal Seals | |
13 |
Four black “pages” from a stockbook with 83 interpostals of which three are used, notably Fayoum, Menouf and Zagazig (2).
The remainder, all unused, include two of Type I (Birket el-Sab and Damiata) and most Type 8 including some from overseas (Volo, Wadi Halfa, Barbara (3)
and Beyrouth). In addition a mounted collection on ten pages with a further 82 seals, some used and including Gedda and a further five Type 1.
A useful start for a collection
 | £200.00
| Recent commemorative errors | |
14 |
Three sheets, written up with all necessary information about the recently withdrawn Suez Canal stamps depicting the Panama Canal in error.
A strip of three “Panama” £E2 stamps and a first day cover as well as a second first day cover with another incorrect £E2 stamp mistakenly depicting
Hapi, God of the River, now probably unobtainable
 | £50.00
| Military TPOs | |
15 |
First World War travelling post offices are scarce! A small collection on eight written-up sheets with Z and W TPO (Alexandria-Daba’a),
TAC (Cairo-Pt Said, 3), and the reverse CAT (3) as well as PAL all on covers or cards. Good condition and clear marks
 | £60.00
| Express stamps | |
16 |
A mint and used collection of all five values of these issues including a control block of four, and a single of the A/25 first issue, a further eleven
control blocks of the other issues, and three covers. An unusual assembly, 67 stamps altogether
 | £40.00
| First Issue | |
17 |
Egypt’s first issue of 1866: a comprehensive collection on 20 pages starting with five pages with photographs of the correspondence between
Muzzi Bey, head of the Posta Europea and later Egypt’s first Postmaster General, and Pellas Brothers, printers of the stamps. There follow items from
two different collections so probably some duplication. The proofs include a large block of 45 of the 5 piastres (part illustrated) including two margins
of the sheet and at least three used copies of the same stamp, one with inverted watermark
 | £250.00
| Egypt control block | |
18 |
February 1928, Farouk 18th Birthday £E1, superb A/38 control block of four, unmounted mint, perfect perfs and full margins.
Nile Post C82, SG 272, Magdy 77. Immaculate example
 | £450.00
| DLR Pictorials | |
19 |
1914, 2 millièmes green, imperforate lower left corner pair with control number 2 (SG 74, NP D54), never hinged mint, toning marks
 | £80.00
| Crown overprint varieties | |
20 |
1922, 1 millième olive-brown felucca, proclamation of monarchy overprint inverted (SG 98a), MH
 | £110.00
21 |
1922, 100 millièmes black Abu Simbel temple, proclamation of monarchy overprint doubled (SG 108b), MH
 | £160.00
| Postal stationery | |
22 |
1953: 1941 letter sheet (SLS 12) reissued with Farouk 20m vignette obliterated with a large handstamped “X” (see inset impression from behind)
and a 10m sepia Defence Republican solder stamp stuck over the vignette. Nile Post (SLS 15) cat $300 reports “only a few examples have been recorded”.
Here mint, pristine, excellent condition
 | £100.00
23 |
1953: 1945 Registered Envelope stationery with 30m Farouk vignette obliterated with handstamp “X” (no see-through on linen envelope) and 35m violet
mosque stamp affixed over vignette. Pristine mint condition. NP (SRE 14) and Magdy (R14) report only a few examples. Cat $300
 | £200.00
| Parcel card with DLR 5pi | |
24 |
18 XII 99, grey parcel card (Form No 211) to accompany parcel from Cairo to Switzerland, tax paid with beautiful clean De La Rue 5pi grey (SG 56)
together with horizontal pair of orange-brown 2pi (SG 55), cancelled Caire / bars. Caire red on white Reg label, Trieste transit behind and full
German customs and arrival marks. Central fold does not detract. Clean and impressive card
 | £240.00
| Postal history | |
25 |
18 II 08, folded all-Arabic cotton dealer’s report form (not completed) presumably sent to farmer/agent from Alexandria for completion.
Franked at DLR 1m rate (open printed matter) from Alex / C via Tanta-Ashmun / TPO (type 5A3, ten months earlier than recorded), and scarce
Ramlet el Angib arrival.
 | £12.00
26 |
11 OC 21, all-Arabic Ministry of Education folded form approving teacher’s holiday request and returned to headmaster. Franked DLR 2m from
Mansura via Shirbin, Fariskur, Dumiat-Tanta/ & VV (TPO type 7A3), and unrecorded Mansura-Dumiat / &VV / TPO (as 6A1.1 with arch
 | £12.00
| Ibrahim Chaftar memorabilia | |
27 |
1941 settlement of an insurance policy taken out 20 years before, with Chaftar Bey acknowledging receipt of £E273 as Director-General of the
General Society of Sugar Refineries of Egypt. Document, with tax paid by 5m General revenue on cover sheet, extends to ten A4 pages, gives his
birthdate as June 2 1902. Fascinating glimpse into history
 | £15.00
| The following 169 lots of single items and mixed groups form part of the postal history collection of our late member
Erik Menne Larsen (ESC 170) of Denmark, who died in February. In fine condition, the vast majority of covers and cards, even those among the
cumulative lots, are neatly and very expertly researched and written up, with inspired attempts at sourcing – all in Danish.
| |
| Egypt in Sinai/Gaza | |
28 | Gaza el Gidida / R&P 1 JL 56, air mail envelope Arabic-addressed to Beirut with several Egyptian stamps with KES and bars and Palestine overprints, totalling 40 mills for registration (cachet lower left). The 3m with Palestine opt inverted is false, and the horizontal 5m has opt flaw Nile Post PA3b (though more like an Arabic figure 10 than a mere dot). Three backstamps
 | £10.00
29 | Three covers: Deir el Balah / R, Rafa Palestine / R and Khan Younis / R, all 29 AP 58: all with Republic 40+50m mosques for registered air mail, addressed to Menne Larsen, with clear Reg cachet and censor 42 in violet (Khan Younis 41). Multiple backstamps, clean, neat
 | £15.00
30 | Gaza el Mahata / R, 24 MA 59, air mail envelope with six Palestine opt UAR Egypt stamps (105mills) for registration to Denmark, Reg cachet alongside, with Censor 41 in violet. Aerodrome du Caire behind
 | £6.00
31 | Gabalia 23 JL 58, Arabic-addressed air mail envelope to Cairo, franked pair of 5m Egypt with Palestine overprints for normal rate, Censor 41 in violet
 | £8.00
32 | Gaza / RD1, 2 AU 59, air mail envelope franked for registration to Denmark with 10x5mills plus Nefertiti 55 surcharge on 100 mills all with Palestine opts. Registration cachet and Censor 41. Registered receipt part of the lot
 | £8.00
33 | Danish UN Command, 1 JAN 1960, plain envelope franked 40m Mosque with Palestine overprint for Demark, handstamp Danish UN command / UNEF at lower left. No backstamp
 | £8.00
34 | New Gaza Tel. Office, 20 12 61 on Air Mail envelope Arabic-addressed and franked with 1m+3m pairs of Palestine opts and 2m single, total 10m mills, rectangular handstamp top left of DANLO. HQ UNEF, no backstamp
 | £8.00
35 | New Gaza / T, 10 MR 62 on plain envelope franked with 6x10m Palestine commems (Gaza part of Arab Nation), addressed air mail to Denmark, small rectangular handstamp DANLO lower left, faint handstamps behind
 | £8.00
36 | Gaza el Mahata / R, 3 MA 62, on plain cover registered to Denmark with rectangular handstamp DANLO. HQ NEF at lower left. Array of UAR Palestine adhesives inc Nefertiti 55 on 100 with Palestine opt. Faint Cairo Air Port behind
 | £8.00
37 | Rafa / Palestine 13 11 63, plain cover franked 20m with Palestine UAR Egypt overprints for printed matter to Austria. Cairo machine transit behind
 | £6.00
38 | Jabalia Camp / T 17 12 61, most unusual CDS franking air mail envelope to Gaza with 2m UAR Egypt opt and 2x1m UAR Palestine definitives for printed matter rate. Unsealed, no backstamps. Remarkable
 | £15.00
39 | Gaza machine cancel 26 7 62, as arrival marking on reverse of plain cover addressed to corporal in Danish UNEF in Gaza. From Port Said, with pairs of 1m+4m UAR Palestine definitives and civil censor marking. Clean
 | £8.00
40 | Rafa / El Balad(?) 20 4 66, one of many handstamps on reverse of a letter from Denmark to the UNEF Hospital Camp in Rafah via Alex and Cairo. Large red United Nations Emergency Force 4 on reverse, and appears to have had readdress label stuck on front at some stage. Interesting
 | £7.00
41 | Gaza / R (1) / 18 7 85, cancelling 35m UAR Egypt definitive with Palestine opt and 5m green Palestine charity stamp on plain cover addressed to Danish UN troops at Hill 88, Gaza. Censor 423 alongside
 | £7.00
42 | UAR / Palestine opt £E1 postal order, dispensed at Gaza 1 5 65 and cashed at Ismailia 5 MA 65: pairs of original and Palestine-overprinted 1m revenues on reverse. Most unusual to find a cashed postal order
 | £8.00
| Allied Military covers, First World War | |
43 | 6 SE 15, neat clean honour cover franked 10m Colossi for USA and cancelled British Barracks / Cairo with Cairo / D transit mark behind. Perfect
 | £5.00
44 | 8 FE 16, upright colour card (some damage), unfranked, Field Post Office cancel of N.M.Y. (North Midland Yeomanry), with censor 3208 (Firebrace CM 2)
 | £7.00
45 | 8 FE 19, honour cover to India with FPO No 20 (type IFPO 1) and Bombay GPO / WINDOW arrival Feb 24
 | £5.00
46 | 6 FE 15, cover to Scotland franked with vertical pair of 1/2d IEF overprints cancelled by FPO No 31 (IFPO 1) with part strike Passed by Censor / Indian Expeditionary Force / 52 (type IEF 1) alongside in magenta. Flap lost
 | £6.00
47 | 13 AP 16, Government of India (embossed flap) IHMS cover (altered to OAS), unfranked, FPO No 14 mark on reverse, censor on face in red, opened for display
 | £6.00
48 | 29 MAR 16, neat small cover addressed to India with “Free” manuscript, C.S. Office / IEF behind (type IBO 13) with Indian arrival, and clear red Indian censor 68 on face (IEF 1)
 | £5.00
49 | 19 SE 14, b/w LL card of Shepheards Hotel (with error double caption, Tombs of the Mamelukes), “No Stamps Available”, addressed to UK and cancelled with clear Alexandria / Douane CDS. Clean, striking
 | £5.00
50 | 1 JA 18, pristine colour card addressed to Fulham, with clear Field Post Office / F 2 and part of triangular violet censor, from serviceman with Western Force.
 | £6.00
51 | 30 DE 15, clean card, Alexandria street scene, unfranked, CDS of Field Post Office / E.Y. (Eastern Mounted Brigade), addressed to Norfolk with magenta Passed by / No 3046 / Censor. Writer on leave in Alex
 | £6.00
52 | 14 JA 19, small cover franked 2d and registered to London (readdressed to Southsea) with Base Army Post Office / K (1R) CDS, APO K registration label and Censor 7 / 1094. Remains of sealing wax and four transit marks behind
 | £10.00
53 | 4 JL 18, Port Said sepia card, on active service, addressed to London and cancelled with Army Post Office / SZ 22 (Port Said Harbour Office). Red pencil “Censored at base” written across the message with crossed circle censor mark in green alongside
 | £7.00
54 | Prisoner of War cover (date? Palestinian campaign). Neat cover addressed to Hannover with red boxed FREE at top right and violet triangular Censor 3990. Return address is Turo (Turah?) camp near Cairo.
 | £10.00
55 | 13.12 19, colour card (Pyramids) sent from SS Desanha at Sea, to Cardiff, “Stamps unobtainable”, handstamp “Received From Ship / No Charge to be Raised” and London arrival Dec 19
 | £8.00
| Military covers, between the wars | |
56 | 12 AU 33, clean cover addressed to London, 1pi Letter Seal with retta cancel behind, face has Crowned Circle 17 in black at top right and Alexandria / Depart of civil post office
 | £10.00
57 | 5 DE 34, Orient Line envelope addressed to London, with retta-cancelled 1pi Letter Stamp behind, face with Crowned Circle 13 in magenta and CDS of Mamura civil office
 | £8.00
58 | 15 MR 36, neat clean cover addressed to UK and franked behind with 1pi Letter Stamp (retta cancel), and on face with Crowned Circle 9 in black and clear cds of MPO / Port-Said. Very few recorded - Firebrace
 | £12.00
59 | 30 AU 38, long buff OHMS envelope, addressed within Cairo and with Cairo / 2 CDS, plus large violet rectangular cachet at top right: Certified Official / Command Paymaster / in Egypt. Striking, no marks on reverse
 | £5.00
60 | Named MPOs: Apr. 1936 to July 39, five clean covers to UK with Fuad Army Post 3m or 10m stamps, from Abu Qir, Mersa Matruh, Cairo (2) and Abu Sueir. Interesting lot
 | £12.00
| Egypt Postage Prepaid (EPP) cancels | |
61 | EPP 5 – 23 AP 45, “On Active Service” cover addressed to Nigeria, with perfect Censor 6032 strike and clear Port Harcourt arrival behind. Neat and clean
 | £4.00
62 | EPP 7 – 3 NO 43, printed envelope of Royal Canadian Air Force and Knights of Columbus War Services addressed to UK with winged RAF censor 85 in rectangle. No marks on reverse
 | £4.00
63 | EPP 14 – 10 NR 44, OAS envelope addressed to MEF and notated “Written in Rumanian”. Deputy Field Chief Censor handstamp and BAPO marking behind with large 183 in violet circle censor
 | £4.00
64 | EPP 26 – 17 JL 43, On Active Service handstamped cover addressed to 9th Army HQ with clear strike of winged RAF Censor 2. No backstamps
 | £5.00
65 | EPP 29 – 14 NO 42, Air Mail cover addressed in Hebrew to Tel Aviv with faint Deputy Chief Field Censor and Passed by Censor 1423, with Field Post Office 154 on reverse
 | £4.00
66 | EPP 29 – 15 AU 42, OAS envelope marked “Personal” and addressed to Rear HQ, 13 Corps. Crowned censor mark 1 / 73 or damaged 1773?. No marks on reverse
 | £4.00
67 | EPP 30 – 8 JL 41, clean buff OHMS envelope addressed Thos Cook and Sons, Alex, with Deputy Chief Field Censor stamps back and front, and reverse with clear Alexandria / D arrival
 | £5.00
68 | EPP 30 – 26 AP 42, buff envelope of New Zealand YMCA OAS, addressed to Wellington and provided with Crowned Circle censor mark 1742. No backstamps
 | £4.00
69 | EPP 37 – 29 MR 42, plain OAS envelope addressed to Headquarters Coy, The Kaffrarian Rifles, with perfect violet Crowned Circle censor 1213. No marks on reverse
 | £5.00
70 | EPP 54 – 3 OC 41, plain OAS cover, addressed to South Africa with 4d+6d stamps making up the 10d Air Mail rate. Censor mark is violet boxed Passed by Censor / MFF No 244 UDF / Coedcekeurdeur sensor. Sl fold at left but neat
 | £5.00
71 | EPP 55 – 17 JL 45, Official Paid envelope for a vote in the July 1945 general election in UK when Churchill, having won the war, was overturned by Clement Atlee’s Labour Party. Posted July 12 (election held July 5), and counting was delayed until July 19 for overseas votes. Aylesbury was held by Sir Stanley Reed for the Conservatives
 | £5.00
72 | EPP 58 – 17 JL 41, plain envelope addressed to Australia with 9d stamp for Air Mail rate, and Passed by Unit Censor / 266 censor mark over signature. Marks on reverse
 | £4.00
73 | EPP 60 – 15 SE 41, plain envelope addressed to South Africa with 4d+6d stamps defraying 10d Air Mail rate (ms in top left corner). Censor mark very faint
 | £4.00
74 | EPP 70 – 28 MR 45, South African postal stationery registered letter envelope addressed to East London with 4d+6d War Effort mini stamps augmenting the stationery’s 4d printed rate. Clear boxed SAAPO 40 registration cachet and Crowned Shield censor 4681in violet with APO-U-MPK and East London arrival on reverse. Striking
 | £15.00
75 | EPP 72 – 2 JA 42, plain OAS cover sent to Bombay, which sorted military mail concerned with prisoners of war. MS note “Sent 2 Jan from Suez. Rced 20 Febr in a postal cover”. Resealing label tied with triangular censor mark, also Passed by Unit Censor 1027 and (reverse) Bombay GPO Dep 18 Feb. Striking
 | £12.00
76 | EPP 88 -27 FE 44, printed 2d card acknowledging war comforts gifts addressed to Edinburgh with Deputy Chief Field Censor handstamp together with winged RAF censor 86 in red. Clean, neat
 | £10.00
77 | EPP 104 – 1 DE 41, plain envelope addressed to Postal Sergeant, Headquarters Company, The Kaffrarian Rifles. Neat EPP, faint censor marking
 | £4.00
78 | EPP 104 – 14 JU 43, spectacular OAS cover addressed to Pretoria and franked with pairs of NZ 1d+1 ½d plus singles of two more 1d and surcharges on 1d and 1 ½d for a total of 10d, the appropriate Air Mail rate. Deputy Chief Field Censor and Crowned Circle censor 6317, no marks on reverse
 | £8.00
79 | EPP 104 – 10 JU 43, as last, spectacular (same address), franked with Australia and NZ 1 ½d, Southern Rhodesia 1d, GB 2d and South Africa 4d for 10d total for Air Mail to Pretoria. Crowned Circle censor 6317, no reverse marks
 | £8.00
80 | EPP 113 – 22 MA 44, plain cover addressed to Stanley Gibbons in London, censor signature topped with winged RAF censor 11 in red. No backstamps
 | £10.00
81 | EPP number? – 12 SE 42, clear roller type V EPP with number illegible despite clear strike. Addressed to UK, with clear Crowned Circle censor 3349, no backstamps
 | £6.00
Field Post Offices
| |
82 | 3 JNE 53, Field Post Office - 1 – Krag machine cancel with five wavy lines, on clean plain cover with KG VI 2 ½d stamp for Air Mail to London (marked “Urgent” behind). No 1 unusual for Egypt, return address said to be Canal Zone (Deversoir)
 | £12.00
83 | 1 JLY 53, Field Post Office – 2 – as last, with QEII 2 ½d stamp “By Forces Air Mail” to London. Clean cover, two machine arrivals behind, said to be from Canal Zone (Fayid)
 | £10.00
84 | 5 FEB 53, Field Post Office – 2 – as last, clean postcard with 2 ½d KG VI stamp for “Forces Air Mail” to London. Return address is Canal Zone (RAF Kabrit)
 | £10.00
85 | Field Post Office 13 – 12 JA 52, GB 4d registered stationery envelope upgraded with KGVI 2 ½d stamp for “Forces Air Mail” to Essex, with blue FPO DS No 529 registration label added. Return address Canal Zone (Fanara Wharf)
 | £15.00
86 | Field Post Office 36 – 18 AU 42, incoming cover posted from Liverpool 12 JNE to lance-corporal c/o Army Post Office 1810, FPO CDS on reverse with barred ARMY / POST OFFICE canceller in violet and large boxed notification on face: IT IS REGRETTED THAT / THIS ITEM COULD NOT BE / DELIVERED BECAUSE THE / ADDRESSEE IS REPORTED / DECEASED
 | £12.00
87 | Field Post Office 76 – 8 FE 41, plain cover with KGVI 10d (Air Mail) + 3d (Registration) stamps uncancelled for UK, clearly marked Air Mail and Registered and with R/34 label cancelled with FPO CDS. RAF Censor 48 (type R9) at top let and faint CDS behind. Cover torn at right but repairable
 | £7.00
88 | Field Post Office 172 – 6 JA 41, photocard of Fuad 1st Street, Cairo, OAS addressed to Lancashire with faint FPO circle and unusual boxed Passed by / RAF / Censor No 40 (type R2) at top right
 | £6.00
89 | Field Post Office 174 – 14 DE 48, plain cover endorsed “By Air Mail” and sent from Tel el Kebir to Copenhagen, franked with 3m Boy King and 2+50m of Farouk. Egyptian civilian censor on face, return address MELF. Sl tear top face
 | £5.00
90 | Field Post Office 190 – 15 OC 44, small plain OAS cover with contents remaining, addressed to Essex and with unusual unboxed winged RAF Censor / 180 (type R 6) at top left. Self-censored, with return address interpreted as Port Tewfik
 | £8.00
91 | Field Post Office 255 – 10 MY 55, small cover franked with QEII 2 ½d for Forces Air Mal to BBC in London, and embellished with a fine pencil drawing of a camel – rare thus! Return address interpreted as Tel el Kebir
 | £5.00
92 | Field Post Office 514 – 29 SE 53, KGVI postal stationery 6d registered envelope (rate May 1952 to June 1956) uprated with 2 ½d Coronation (concession registration rate for soldiers serving overseas) addressed to Edinburgh with blue Registration label FPO 514 at top left. Return address RAF Shallufah
 | £10.00
93 | Field Post Office 551 – 9 JL 48, clean plain cover addressed to UK and franked with KGVI Channel Islands 1948 general issue 2 ½d. Return address is handstamped RAF Post Office / Deversoir (Canal Zone)
 | £6.00
94 | Field Post Office 551 – 19 AP 50, remarkable small buff envelope sent to Cairo insurance company, franked 5x10m Farouk Marechal for Registration and Express, Blue on white FPO DS No 551 registration label on face, and large violet Army Kinema Corporation double-oval cachet on reverse, with BAPO 4 and civilian Cairo Delivery stamps
 | £8.00
95 | Field Post Office 551 – 2 DE 47, plain cover franked with 40m Farouk Marechal for Express service to insurance company. Cairo / A civilian arrival in pale green-blue December 5(!). Arabic marks on reverse only
 | £6.00
96 | Field Post Office 551 – 16 DE 48, long buff OHMS envelope, excellent CDS strike, two-line CLAIMS COMMISSION / CANAL AREA on face, and CERTIFIED OFFICIAL behind. Astonishingly clean
 | £6.00
97 | Field Post Office 717, incoming KGVI 6d Air Letter from Essex (1 AU 43) addressed to LAC, 152 M&E Squadron, then much re-addressed and much travelled. Two strikes of FPO 7171, 8 AU and 1 NO. Full message remains
 | £20.00
98 | FPO A 17 MY 55 937, clean Air Mail envelope with QEII 2 ½d adhesive for BBC London, repeat CDS strike on reverse
 | £12.00
99 | FPO A 5 FE 53 938, clean plain envelope, franked KGVI 6d “Forces Air Mail” to UK, return address is a major, HQ 3 Infantry Division
 | £12.00
100 | FPO A 13 AP 53 938, clean “Forces Airmail” envelope, franked KGVI 1+1 ½d to Essex, return address is Tobruk Camp MELF 26
 | £12.00
101 | Zone Postal Depot – 29 SE 50, incoming Forces Letter sheet, franked concessionary KGVI 2 ½dm posted in Staines 28 SE and addressed to Regimental Pay Office, MELF 17. Zone CDS only other postal marking; full message remains
 | £12.00
Operation Musketeer
| |
102 | FPO 937 - 4 OC 56, “Forces Air Mail” air envelope franked QEII 2 ½d to BBC London, with return address 63 Coy (Indep Para Bgd), BFPO 60 – understood to be Cyprus in preparation for invasion. Clean and neat
 | £12.00
103 | Field Post Office 443 – 29 NO 56, “Forces Air Mail” air envelope unfranked, addressed to Scotland, return address is a corporal, BFPO 300 (Port Said)
 | £15.00
104 | Field Post Office 443 – 30 NO 56, Air Mail envelope franked QEII 2 ½d to BBC London, return address is a trooper in 6th Royal Tank Regiment, BFPO 300 (Port Said)
 | £15.00
| |
105 | Attractive selection of four 1943-44 Greetings airgraphs (three addressed to Scotland), complete with military postal and censor markings, plus (empty) 1942 Airgraph window envelope, repaired after opening
 | £10.00
Egyptian military post
| |
106 | May 1956, plain white cover containing new year greetings card from commander of Canal Zone and Eastern Delta forces to the governor and officers of the Egyptian administration in Gaza. Sent from Field Post 13 (Ismailia) with very faint oval marking, together with military unit 13 octagon and part-strike of scarce T / Moascar Ismailia CDS. Violet censor mark illegible.
 | £8.00
107 | 13 AUG 56, small envelope, addressed via “barid harby” (soldiers’ mail) so unfranked, to Mohamed Tawfiq Salem, Unit 363 of the 8th military mail unit (military octagon refers to 18th unit; perhaps figure 1 lost in rough opening of cover).This unit was in Kuseima, where it served 23 Bgd 16 Bn of the border forces. Cairo machine mark of 15 Aug carries the slogan Freedom of Passage / Guaranteed through / the Suez Canal
 | £8.00
108 | 17 OC 56, small cover with barid harby ms so unfranked, sent from Cairo slogan machine cancel Suez Canal is an / Integral part of Egypt. Addressed to a sergeant at field post office 10 on the battlefield. Transit mark of Poste Militaire / Trafic du Caire and military octagonal mark of Unit 10 behind
 | £8.00
Censor markings
| |
109 | 21 X 16, light cover franked 20m for registration to Denmark and cancelled Cairo / RD6 with black on white label. Chamfered passed / Censor / 1 in black, resealed with Opened by Censor label by Censor B in blue, arrived London November 5, Hellerup November 11 and Copenhagen November 12
 | £8.00
110 | 30 10 40, incoming, commercial printed window envelope franked 2fr50 from Vichy France October 21, resealed in Egypt with bilingual Opened by Censor label and strike of censor 66 (Mr N Elimelek). Port Said / Traffic CDS on reverse October 30
 | £8.00
111 | 24 AP 42, incoming from Marseille, censored and resealed by French (oval Ouvert par les Autorites de Controle / WK2) and local (Censor 5), with large oval censor stamp on face identified as belonging to Mr A Chaker, and L in circle on reverse (French?). Cairo transit May 2, Alex arrival next day. Striking
 | £15.00
112 | 25 JNE 43, triple-censored Bank of Egypt cover franked 2+20m Boy King for Switzerland, Egypt censored (5 and 87, Mrs Musgrave-Thomas), then sent by ship via South Africa to London (censor label), then Lisbon (Sept 22), on to Spain-France border, then German military post (resealed in Paris, note special marking with an X) and finally on to Basel. Spectacular
 | £28.00
113 | 26 JAN 1944, incoming, plain cover, unfranked, addressed to Thomas Cook, Alexandria. Tombstone “From H M Ship” and signature November 11 1943, Liverpool CDS December 9, and faint Cairo machine arrival January 26 with machine censor
 | £8.00
114 | Undated, unfranked, Red Cross envelope from Egypt (censor 57, in use Sept 1940 to March 1943), with large Red Cross Delegation handstamp apparently paying postage. Pristine condition and unsealed … did it travel? But Pli 588 presumably sender’s code, and 22A may be Geneva archive file, so probably yes.
 | £8.00
Shipping via the Canal
| |
115 | Malta-Suakin: 20 NO 05, b/w card of Malta, franked 2x 1/2d Malta stamps and addressed to Alexandria, but on arrival redirected to Suakin, so nice strikes of Alex, Suez and finally Suakin (December 3). Excellent (Danish) write-up
 | £10.00
116 | Djibouti-France: FEVR 06, b/w card (Djibouti Diablotins), franked 10c French Somali Coast for France, cancelled (reverse) with perfect Djibouti / Cote Franse des Somalis, then La Reunion a Marseille No 3 octagon same day, and finally Nimes/Gard on February 14. Excellent (Danish) write-up
 | £10.00
117 | Djibouti-Suakin: 15 MAI 06, b/w card of Djibouti written aboard SS Melbourne, franked with French 10c Sower for “Souakim, Rouge” and cancelled Marseille a la Reunion No 2. Then passed via strikes of French office in Port Said, Port Said, Suez and finally Sawakin (May 20). Excellent (Danish) write-up
 | £10.00
118 | 1968, mint (hinged, no gum) strip of three of the Great Bitter Lakes Association “Olympic Games” celebration, vessel unnamed. Three different sizes of perforated stamps, largest very similar to production by Dr Zapala of Zurich which was rejected by trapped sailors (Bryan Hill book, pp. 57-58).
 | £8.00
119 | 17.3.69, ship’s mail from Great Bitter Lake: air mail cover franked with 2/- GBL Postage stamp, 3/- Suez Canal Association circular wafer with central anchor and figure 14, and two UAR definitives. Mailed on Board M/S Agalampus and addressed to Morecambe with GBLA handstamps on reverse
 | £15.00
120 | MS Munsterland, one of the ships trapped in the Canal. Neat little collection of one b/w ship postcard, one cover sent from the Bitter Lake to Germany in November 1968, and three more souvenir covers celebrating the ship’s eventual release in 1975 after eight years blockaded.
 | £24.00
Prisoner of War Mail
| |
121 | 14 NO 41, Italian-language PoW printed postcard addressed to Messina from boxed PW Middle / East 091 with return address Camp 309 N2 (Ismailia). Red Cross transit stamp on face, Italian censor behind, and finally Messina arrival cds December 30
 | £8.00
122 | 4 FE 44, folded letter sheet headed Italian Prisoner of War Post and sent from handstamp 310 P.O.W / Camp M.E.F. (Suez) to Treviso with boxed P.W. Middle / East 99 above. Travelled via Vienna (transit stamp Ag in circle) and red German machine cancel of Munich
 | £10.00
123 | 9 OC 48, letter to PoW from Hebron, two months earlier than recorded (see QC 261), franked with Farouk Marechal 10 mills with bilingual Palestine opt and scarce Hebron cancel. Gaza transit next day, then passed through Red Cross Delegation in Gaza (red handstamp) and labelled P.O.W.POST, readdressed to PoW 5275 and Camp No 791, censored both by Egypt and Israel. Remarkable
 | £34.00
124 | PoW Mail: ? SE 49, letter addressed to PoW 7742 in Gaza, franked 2x10m Marechal, cds illegible (Arish?), Red Cross markings, Egyptian and Israeli censors, and reverse has Egyptian military markings including Unit 5 and Censor 1 over resealing label. Remarkable
 | £15.00
Egypt TPO markings
| |
125 | 17 AO 05, three-town TPO Tanta-Zifta-Mit Ghamr (type 8A1. But unrecorded by ESC, and latest of this type by two years) as transit on merchant’s cover from Chirbin to Mit Ghamr. Reverse also carries Dumiat-Tanta / T.50 (TPO type 8B1), Mahallit Ruh and Mit Ghamr
 | £8.00
126 | 23 X 07, good strike of scarce Suez / (Ambulant) (type 2A1.3a) as transit on b/w card showing Tenerife Peasants sent from Spain to Sawakin (arrival cds)
 | £12.00
127 | 9 II 10, good strike of Aswan-Luqsor / TPO (type 5A3) on reverse of excellent b/w card of Atbara Station in Sudan. Card sent from Esna to Copenhagen
 | £8.00
128 | 3 OC 17, Active Service honour envelope addressed in pencil to Leicester and cancelled with strike of rare skeleton LAK TPO (dm 36mm), used only on military railway line between Kantara and Deir el Balah. No backstamps
 | £95.00
129 | 26 SE 32, strike of Port-/Taufiq / TPO (as type 5a2.1, but month in European lettering; four months later than recorded) on trilingual letter from Asmara, Eritrea, to Tel Aviv, franked with Colonia Italiani overprint on 1.25 lire stamp, transit marks of Port Taufiq and Qantara, and machine arrival of Tel Aviv / Palestine. Unusual
 | £7.00
Egypt Air Mails
| |
130 | 12 DEC 1934(5?), small letter to UK franked with two pairs of Fuad 10m, with large By KLM Air Mail (label at top left), explaining the franking as 15 mills per 20g to UK (Nov 1931-Aug 40) plus 25 mills KLM air surcharge. No arrival mark
 | £6.00
131 | 25 MA 53, air letter to Copenhagen franked Farouk barred 2x10m+30m and Farouk King of Egypt and Sudan opt 2m, from Alexandria Station. 22 mills the UPU rate, plus air surcharge of 15 mills per 10g
 | £5.00
132 | 21 6.65, first Interflug flight Berlin-Cairo posted Berlin NW June 21, flown June 22, as Egyptian red handstamp makes clear. Then apparently returned on first reverse flight, marked by blue circular mark at right (June 24). Reverse has Cairo Airport machine arrival, and Aeroport Cairo CDS of July 2, indicating that cover was actually returned on that day. Interesting
 | £5.00
133 | 2 74 75, colourful souvenir cover of first SAS DC8 flight from Cairo to Copenhagen, franked 90 mills in Egyptian adhesives and cancelled with unusual Cairo Air Port / (2) / Transit / (2) cds (no Arabic). Copenhagen Airport arrival behind
 | £5.00
Egypt Paquebots / Ship Mail
| |
134 | 31 MA (error for MR) 82, beautiful 5para postal stationery card, written heading south on the SS Quetta in the Canal and cancelled with Suez / Depart, endorsed Via Brindisi. In transit received a truly beautiful strike of the rare Alexandria / Port
 | £20.00
135 | 10 X 95, small plain envelope franked with QV 2 1/2d adhesive cancelled at Port Said, with single strike of straight-line PLEINE MER handstamp alongside. Addressed to Sunderland, October 28 arrival behind, apparent guesses of source at Malta crossed through and Port Said. Interesting
 | £100.00
136 | 27 VII 98, 10pf German stationery postcard addressed to Frankfurt, cancelled with two clear diagonal strikes of small, neat Suez PLEINE MER marking (December 1893-July 1899), together with Alexandria / A and Suez / D handstamps. Beautifully clean card, posted from on board the RPD (“mail steamer”) Kaiser. Fine clean card
 | £120.00
137 | (date?), Sudan 5m Camel Post loose stamp with cleanly struck PLEINE MER marking similar to last
 | £12.00
138 | 27 IX 04, b/w card of General Elliott’s Monument in Gibraltar, franked 2 x GB ½d and addressed to Dorset, cancelled Port Said with clean straight-line PAQUEBOT cachet (1899-1904). Message from SS Arcadia says “this is my monument”
 | £10.00
139 | 11 JL 07, b/w postcard of Marseille franked with South Australia 1d and addressed to Newmarket from SS Ortona en route to Sydney. Star and bridge Port-Said CDS with perfect single-line Paquebot cartouche (1905-19) and eventually Newmarket arrival July 18. Fine condition
 | £30.00
140 | 21 SE 14, Sepia photocard of MS Paparoa, sent from the vessel to Cornwall, franked with GB 2 x ½d and cancelled Port Said / Paquebot 30 SE. Uncensored, though war already broken out
 | £7.00
141 | 26 DE 15, colourful Bibby Line postcard written in the Mediterranean near Port Said, addressed to Switzerland, franked GB 2 x 1/2d and cancelled Port Said / Paquebot. Censorship introduced in Egypt August 4, 1914, and here Passed by Censor No 8 (Firebrace Dec 15-Sept 19). Good write-up in Danish
 | £8.00
142 | 30 DE 35, 90c French stationery card (Eiffel Tower), written from the passenger post-ferry SS Champollion, addressed to Germany and cancelled with clear Paquebot / Alexandrie CDS. Clean and neat
 | £8.00
143 | 8 JU 38, small envelope bearing handstamp “British Governor” on flap, addressed to Essex and franked KG VI 1 ½.d. Stamp cancelled with straight-line PAQUEBOT cartouche, with information CDS of Port Taufiq alongside. Unusual marking
 | £8.00
144 | 20 JU 39, b/w photocard The Suez Canal, addressed to France and franked with 40c Peace issue (French internal rate for message of five words only Nov 38-Nov 39) franked with Port Tawfiq / Paquebot (used from 1939) – unusual because many French ships had post office on board. Very clean significant card
 | £30.00
145 | 3 DE (1950s). B/w card of the TSS Empire Brent, addressed to France, franked with KG VI 2 ½d cancelled with a retta, with Egyptian censorship alongside. Message remarks on leaving Glasgow, and vessel “not half as nice as the one we came on from India”
 | £8.00
146 | 21 AU 50, sepia card of RMS Otranto, addressed to Gloucester, franked with Farouk10mills and cancelled Port Said / Paquebot. Egyptian censor. Message forecasts landing at Port Said on 20th for eight hours, then on to Aden
 | £7.00
147 | Swedish American Line’s Gripsholm: series of cards (one with map) and covers from the vessel’s Mediterranean cruises in 1934 (2 covers, 1 card) and 1935 (1 cover, 1 card), all with memorable handstamps “posted on board … between Suez and Aden” for instance, and culminating in 1960 Med cruise with cover addressed to member of Danish UN force in Palestine, with Paquebot/Alexandrie cds and Gaza arrival. Clean group, fascinating
 | £30.00
Mint Postal Stationery
| |
148 | Sudan: 5 mills + 5 mills reply card of Egypt (Nile Post SSPC3), overprinted with bilingual Soudan, Type A-1 (p.779). Pristine
 | £10.00
149 | Sudan: 1pi ultramarine envelope (146x111mm), with overprint type difficult to distinguish. Excellent condition
 | £4.00
150 | Sudan: 1897 1pi gray-blue letter sheet with extended Arabic heading and overprint type concealed behind beautifully struck Wadi Halfa postmark of 5 X 98. Addressed to Germany, Alex and German backstamps, no sign of a message. Perfect
 | £6.00
151 | 1884 20 para + 20 para reply card (SPC2), mint, perfect
 | £5.00
152 | 1888 5 mills + 5 mills reply card (SPC4), mint, perfect
 | £4.00
153 | 1899, 5m + 5m card of 1888 surcharged with bilingual 4 mills + 4 mills (SPC 10a), with variety, second E of “millièmes” with thinned upright on both cards. Mint, perfect
 | £12.00
154 | 1899, as last, no variety (SPC 10), and perforated join weakening
 | £5.00
155 | 1968, 20m green envelope portraying Cairo’s Mitwalli Gate on white wove paper, watermarked (SEN 51), pristine
 | £20.00
French Post Offices
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156 | 10 Mars 1875, entire letter from Marseilles (BM = Mobile Box in oval) to Cairo, franked Ceres 80c cancelled 5080 on arrival in Alexandria after six-day voyage on the Moeris postal boat. Company handstamp lower left
 | £26.00
157 | 15 Fevr 1901. Port-Said Sage 15c overprint via Brindisi to Lyon, redirected in France. Straight-line PAQUBOT marking and 15c French internal letter rate
 | £12.00
158 | 9 Janv 1904, neat little visiting card stationery envelope, 5c Sage 1896, with red Port-Said overprint, sharp pointed flap and 047 number behind, beautifully addressed to Paris. Double-ring Port Said Egypte cds, but no other postal markings. Did it travel?
 | £7.00
159 | 14 1 23, Worms & Co cover to Copenhagen franked with high-value 30mills and 60mills 1921 Merson Paris surcharges for registration with Port Said and W handstamps on reg label. Multiple Mersons genuinely used are uncommon
 | £16.00
160 | 22 XI 30, large envelope (185x150mm), Port-Said to Zurich, franked with 2x 15c Mouchon plus 10 millièmes overprinted version with original value barred out (Paris 1925). Registration label with Port Said handstamp, Zurich arrival behind
 | £7.00
Egypt postal history
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161 | 9 July 1845, entire folded Madras Steamletter, PD by ship to Suez, across Egypt to Alex, by French ship to Marseille (red Indes. Or transit mark) and eventually Paris Poste Restante, where stamped Inconnu / a l’appel. Worn but unusual
 | £15.00
162 | Posta Europea, 28 1 64(?), fine strike of Mansura marking on Arabic-addressed entire with Alessandria translated and blue crayon “2”
 | £15.00
163 | 5 II 86, delightful 20 para stationery card with perfect Caire.D cancel, addressed to corporal in the Black Watch in Curragh Camp, Dublin, telling him his medal has not yet arrived but will be sent to him when it appears (Tel el Kebir?)
 | £10.00
164 | 21 IX 94, remarkable Turkish 20 para stationery card, written in Jaffa and cancelled with a retta (Pleine Mer predecessor), addressed to Copenhagen via Port Said (excellent strike). Arrival mark Sept 29. Full detail in (Danish) research
 | £85.00
165 | 14 XII 99, beautiful clean Gruss Aus card from Geinberg, Austria, with 2 and 3 kr stamps, addressed to Mena House Hotel, received striking Amb Alexandrie-Caire (TPO type 3B1) and Pyramids / Cairo marks on arrival
 | £7.00
166 | 22 IV 13, colour card (Omdurman Market) addressed to Belgium, franked DLR 4m and cancelled with clear Alexandria / Seamen’s Home with enigmatic Alexandria / A marking alongside. Arrived April 28
 | £6.00
167 | 1 III 14, an Arabic-handwritten business invoice with Qina / Cash CDS, in blue on original pale brown paper, with modern red ink comments on copy version
 | £4.00
168 | 22 II 15, Thos Cook envelope with part of face torn away, addressed to Cooks Bombay with pair of DLR 10m Pictorials with perfins. Sent from Cairo RD7, Reg label and Bombay censor mark 6, Cooks red wax seal behind
 | £4.00
169 | 23 II 15, pre-printed Thos Cook envelope with Bombay address, franked 5m DLR pictorial with TC & S perfin and clear Cook’s Post Office / Cairo CDS and Bombay censor mark 8. Arrival March 10
 | £4.00
170 | 1930s? stamp on small piece: Khedivial Line’s SS Talodi red circular handstamp on Saudi Arabia 3 ½ gr blue (G 337)
 | £4.00
171 | 7 FE 31, envelope addressed to Alexandra franked Sudan 15mills and cancelled with Khedivial Mail Line’s SS Taif double-oval. Backstamps of Port Sudan (7 FE), Shellal (4 MR), Cairo, Sidi Gaber and Ibrahimia (Ramleh), all 5 MR
 | £24.00
172 | 29 OC 41, Air Mail envelope sent from Jean Boulad in Ismailia to Dr Byam in Harley Street with selection of Boy King stamps totalling 47 mills and V-for-victory label covering typed “By Imperial Airways”
 | £4.00
173 | 18 SE 50, b/w photocard of (Danish) United Steamship Co’s Florida, addressed to Denmark, with 13m Boy King cancelled clear Seamen’s Home, with Egyptian censor alongside
 | £5.00
174 | 20 11 69, printed envelope of Communications ministry telegraph / radio office, franked 55m Official and sent from scarce Qesm / el Nahhal (Ismailia). To rare Qemmet Fayid. Two unusual postmarks – slip of paper says “seized by Israelis”
 | £4.00
175 | 17 4 73, large envelope from Phil Soc of Egypt to Menne Larsen in Denmark, franked with strip of 4x50m Ras el Tin for registration, cancelled by clear Cairo R.D /Special 2 CDS
 | £3.00
176 | 21 8 75, envelope of the UN Emergency Force (handstamp behind: Canadian Contingent) addressed to Ontario, franked with colourful selection of commemoratives and cancelled clear El Canal / Ismailia / R
 | £4.00
177 | 22 5 92, small envelope with 10pi commemorative, cancelled by scarce Wadi Abbadi CDS, with University / City Asyut / R arrival behind
 | £3.00
Cumulative Allied Military lots
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178 | Military before 1939: 12 covers and eight cards from servicemen to UK and India, wide array of cancels and censor marks, three Letter Stamps, interesting mixed lot, condition generally good to fine, priced to sell
 | £40.00
179 | Egypt Postage Prepaid (EPP): Approx 50 covers plus one card and one Air Mail Letter Card, all with EPP markings, numbering from EPP 4 right up to 151 with very little duplication … may be just the ones you are seeking! Condition mixed but overall fine to good, wide range of postal and censor markings, a few with adhesives, a few honour envelopes. Astonishing range. Cheap at
 | £65.00
180 | Field Post Offices – 1940s: 24 covers and one Air Letter, 1940-1949, FPO 33-658, extensive range of envelopes and markings with large proportion of Farouk Army Post stamps as well as civilian adhesives. Mixed condition, interesting
 | £15.00
181 | Field Post Offices – 1950s – 18 covers and one card, FPO 17-777, as last, wide range of covers and military and censor markings, all bar one (Certified Official) with GB stamps inc Reg postal stationery item, Good range
 | £22.00
182 | Mixed bag: Indian FPOs from World War Two plus a few APOs. 22 items, mixed condition
 | £5.00
Cumulative lots – most individual items carry a brief but most useful description – in Danish
| |
183 | Sinai / Gaza, 1948-1964: Excellent selection of covers and stamps on piece carrying Egyptian stamps produced for use in the area as well as wide range of postmarks, some of them unusual or even rare. Nine loose stamps and 34 covers, some philatelic as is normal, but a good selection of local material, including incoming, and others with strong Danish UN forces influence. A superior group not easy to put together
 | £120.00
184 | Censor’s office: Massive and fascinating accumulation of 45 covers and ten cards, all relating to Egyptian censorship between 1916 and 1963, several incoming noted, troops in Sinai, censor labels, through civilian and military censorship. Covers in mixed condition, but much to study and to wonder at. Priced to go at
 | £100.00
185 | Postal stationery - Air Letters: Group of 21 air letters, 17 mint and four used from Idfu, all in excellent condition, representing types from 1944 (SALS1) to 1971-2 (SALS15-16) and including 1969 Reg Letter Sheet (SELS1, mint and used). Five mint copies of SALS11-13 (pictures on back) noted. Nice group
 | £60.00
186 | Postal stationery – cards, envelopes: Mixed bunch of 32 covers, ten cards and 1 wrapper, all used (1888-1973), primarily older items but several shade varieties noted among more modern visiting-card envelopes. Interesting group with lots to sort
 | £50.00
187 | Suez area: 13 cards and 16 covers. Miscellany (1916-62) of datestamps from Suez and other towns near the canal, a few interesting postcards from Suez, foreign field post covers from the area, Cook cover with perfin 5m DLR noted. Bargain at
 | £24.00
188 | Passage through the Canal: An exciting collection of nine covers and 30 cards that passed through the Suez Canal, 1889-1957,with an astonishing array of French, German, Italian and Dutch shipping line postmarks – Ligne T Paq Fr 1, Ligne N Paq.Fr 1,3,4,5, Reunion-Marseille No 2 (also No 3 in red on Egypt stationery cover), Marseille-Reunion No 1,4,5, Marseille-Yokohama No 1,3,8; Deutsche Australiatische, Afrikanische, Ost-Asiatische, Kais Deutsche Marine Schiffspost; Llloyd Triestino Conte Rosse (perfin), Andrea Doria, Conte Verde; Rotterdam-Batavia and VV, Amsterdam-Batavia among markings noted. A true seaman’s chest of treasures. Most have excellent (Danish) write-up
 | £160.00
189 | Egyptian TPO markings: Mini-accumulation of seven covers and five cards, 1904-1927, all bearing TPO markings, some perfect, some scarce, all early. Interesting sorting lot, and card with Luqsor el Shallal / C / & V.V. noted (1927, not recorded by ESC)
 | £10.00
190 | Egyptian Air Mails: Group of 21 covers, 1933-53, all flown out of Egypt to UK, France, Australia, USA and Denmark, illustrating series of rates and rate changes, together with censor marks and major use of the 1933-38 Airs issues. Couple of Simon Arzt noted
 | £12.00
191 | Egypt Paquebots / Ship Mail: Fascinating accumulation of ship mail passing through Egyptian ports, with majority bearing Paquebot CDS markings of Port Said, Port Tawfiq, Alexandria, Suez, but also straight-line and boxed Paquebots (Q and O), rettas, and a number of foreign Paquebot markings in addition to postcards of the ports. Total of 52 covers and 21 cards, approx 1906-1981, mixed condition, but rich variety of markings
 | £120.00
192 | Mint postal stationery: 27 covers and 14 cards, including 1884 20-para and 20p + 20p reply cards, two Defense view cards, good range of envelopes, letter sheets, visiting card envelopes, some uprated as sold at PO counter, colour varieties in festival-card envelopes, and Soldiers stamp cutout reused as PO registration document (two copies). A good lot, date range 1888-1991
 | £65.00
193 | Egyptian military post: Truly astonishing collection of 34 covers sent from or to Egyptian soldiers, mainly in the field, one from 1948, 32 1955-56 and four 1970s. Remarkable array of military unit markings, military and civilian censor marks, the bulk covering Sinai and Gaza (Kantara, Arish, Rafah, Kusseima) military units including field hospitals, much captured by Israelis. Mixed condition, naturally, and almost all in Arabic, but helped enormously by personal research (see examples in individual covers section above) detailing virtually every cover – in Danish! Rich source for a most unusual new research
 | £150.00
194 | French Post Offices: Small collection of entires (4), covers and cards via the French offices, date range 1850-1929, some surcharges, Alexandria Paquebot. Mixed condition but interesting lot. Total 28 items, priced to sell at
 | £24.00
195 | Rural covers: Arabic postmarks, and no cartouches these days. Dating mainly mid-1980s, mixed lot, mainly clean collection of 29 modern Rural Post covers, all with all-Arabic CDs markings
 | £10.00
196 | Massive accumulation: Remainder of less specialised material – a few nice hotels, small-town postmarks, number of FDCs, few Officials, stationery, 88 covers, 14 cards, about quarter from past 30 years. Worth a search? Part illustrated
 | £10.00
Egypt – classical period covers
| |
197 | 26 SET 1871, entire to Cairo franked with 2x20 para Second Issue (SG 13, Nile Post D10) cancelled with VR Poste Egiziane / Suez CDS and just tied with faint but undoubted DALLA STAZIONE single-line marking. Arrival stamp of VR Poste Egiziane / Cairo the same day. Rare thus, showpiece item
 | £450.00
198 | 8 6 III 98, plain cover franked 5m with excellent strike of rare Ambulant / K.Zayat-Atfe (TPO type 2A1.2) addressed to Hotel Abbat, Alexandria, but then redirected to French consul in Jerusalem. Two Alexandria and Rahmaniya transit marks behind with tiny wax seal. Did it ever get there?
 | £70.00
199 | 27 X 07, large cover (16x11cm) addressed to US stamp dealer and franked DLR 1pi+5pi (SG 54,56) for postage and registration (black on white Caire label). Reverse has remains of wax sealings, New York and Columbus arrival marks, and details of sender – Cairo dealer Angeloglous. Lovely piece
 | £140.00
Egypt - perfins
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200 | 25 IV 03, b/w postcard (Al-Azhar mosque) sent from Cairo to Nuremburg franked with 1m+3m DLR stamps (SG 58,61) both punctured with rare perfin K & H C (Kortenhaus and Hammerstein, Cairo). Most unusual
 | £60.00
| |
201 | 1906-1954, jumbo lot of various TPO cancellations – 12 covers and one card furnished with travelling post office cancels, including one cover with three different TPO CDS strikes. Interesting lot
 | £80.00
Rural markings
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202 | 5 X 12, plain cover franked 5m DLR for Asyut, cancelled with scarce Service Rural / Itlidim 1 CDS (Rurals book p.56, type X210.104). Village cartouche Bani Khalid, and reverse has marks of Etlidem, Cairo-Asyut / TPO and Asyut. Good clean cover
 | £44.00
203 | 1 NO 12, commercial printed cover franked DLR 5m for Asyut, with village cartouche Tanda and scarce CDS Service Rural / Mallaoui (p.57, type X210.101). Reverse has Mallawi transit and Asyut arrival CDS
 | £44.00
204 | 29 XI 12, plain cover franked 5m for Cairo, cancelled with Service Rural / Chibin el Kom (p54, type X222.104), four years earlier than recorded. Reverse has clean Alexandria-Cairo/TPO transit mark
 | £44.00
205 | 15 JL 38, Continental Hotel printed letter sheet addressed to Ramleh, franked with 4x5m Boy King adhesives (Express?) and sent from Service Rural Abu el Matamir-Minshat Sarwat Pasha (p.63, type Y650.251). Sidi Gaber transit next day at 6.20am
 | £18.00
206 | 5 AP 42, Boy King 1m+2m visiting card envelope (Nile Post SEN33), Arabic addressed to Shubra (Cairo) and cancelled with clear Service Rural / Auleila-Kafr el Naim CDS (page 64, type Y650.201). No backstamp
 | £15.00
207 | 20 DE 52, commercial printed cover from Sa el Hagar to Cairo, franked with vertical pair of 5m Boy King from booklet pane (wide perfs at right), cancelled with faint Rural Service Sa el Hagar-Kafr el Dawar (p.104, type Y200-101), three years later than recorded
 | £20.00
208 | 1922-1953, small lot of eight covers or entires, all with legible range of Service Rural or Rural Service markings, including unrecorded village cartouche of Kafr Arab Bahari. Nice lot for rurals enthusiast
 | £90.00
Hotels interest
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209 | 30 XII 98, plain cover franked 2m DLR (unsealed) and addressed to Lucerne. Cancelled with Cairo Savoy Hotel CDS type 1, in use for only about 12 months. Cairo transit behind, and Lucerne arrival January 4. Neat and clean
 | £38.00
210 | 4 VII 21, 1913 postal stationery registered envelope, 10 mills (Nile Post SRE2), uprated with a mass of six De La Rue pictorials for total franking of 30 mills for Switzerland from Shepheards Hotel Type 9 CDS with Shepheard’s registration cachet alongside. Readdressed in Switzerland. Fascinating cover
 | £70.00
211 | 4 JA 28, Luxor Winter Palace printed envelope franked with a pair of Fuad 15m (SG 160) for registration to Zurich. Hotel registration cachet alongside, and Hotel CDS type 5. Neat and interesting
 | £38.00
212 | 26 JA 28, as last, same address in Zurich, but different hotel envelope, and franked with Fuad 10 millièmes (SG 157) and 20 millièmes (SG 118) stamps. Same CDS, type 5, and registration cachet. Colourful cover
 | £38.00
213 | 15 XII 37, Thos Cook and Son printed cover, franked with a vertical pair of 20 millièmes Fuad (SG 239) for registration to Zurich. Cancelled with Cook’s CDS type 7, and registration cachet alongside. Cairo transit and Zurich arrival behind. Neat
 | £48.00
Egypt – station markings
| |
214 | 18 VII 04, b/w card of Mustapha Pacha Station, Ramleh, franked with 5m DLR for Nievre, France, beautifully cancelled by scarce San Stefano / (Station) CDS. French arrival alongside. Six days transit. Fine card
 | £28.00
215 | 30 OC 40, plain cover Arabic-addressed to Alexandria, franked with vertical strip of 4x5m Boy King for registration from clear Sidi Bishr / (Station), with station registration box alongside. Clean, neat
 | £38.00
216 | 13 AP 60m plain cover franked with 10m UAR definitive for Cairo, cancelled clear Sidi Bishr / (Station) CDS. Machine Arrival next day
 | £8.00
217 | 17 4 74, large envelope used en ville, franked with 30m and 55m (SG 1220,1221) commemoratives for registration and AR, cancelled with clear Sidi Bishr / Station CDS. Unusual
 | £6.00
Egypt – parcel card
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218 | 8 III 30, grey parcel card from Ghuria, Cairo, to Rossville Hosiery Mills, New York, furnished with Fuad 50mills and 100nills stamps (SG166,167). On reverse perfect CDS of Alexandria / Exchange / Office / Foreign Parcels Post. Clean, good
 | £28.00
Egypt postal stationery - postcards
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219 | 1879 20 para (Nile Post SPC1), mint, clean, slight vertical fold
 | £4.00
220 | 1884 20+20 paras reply pair (SPC2), mint, clean, slight bend lower right
 | £8.00
221 | 1888 5 millièmes (SPC3), mint, clean, very slight central bend
 | £3.00
222 | 1891 3 millièmes on 5 millièmes provisional surcharge (SPC5), clean, mint, very slight corner bend top right
 | £5.00
223 | 1891 3 mills on 5 mills provisional surcharge, reply pair( SPC6), clean, mint, slight central bend
 | £8.00
224 | 26 I 94, 1891 provisional 3 mills on 5 mills reply pair (SPC6) uprated 2x1m DLR from Alexandria to Leipzig. Reply half still attached but unused
 | £8.00
225 | 20 FE 94, 1891 provisional 3 mills on 5 mills reply card single (SPC6) uprated with DLR 2m from Alexandria Station to Berlin (arrival mark)
 | £8.00
226 | 1894, 3 millièmes reply card pair (SPC7), mint, clean, sl bend top centre
 | £10.00
227 | 14 IX 97, 3 millièmes card (SPC 7) written from Esneh to Khedivial Paquebot Co, but sent from Kena (Alex arrival next day) and seemingly readdressed. Nice
 | £5.00
228 | 27 XII 97, “avec reponse” half of 3m dual card (SPC 8) sent En Ville to Khedivial Paquebots inquiring about arrival of a parcel from Constantinople. Good
 | £7.00
229 | 1899 4 mills on 5 mills provisional surcharge with missing accent and ‘E’ broken (SPC9c), clean mint, bend at lower left
 | £7.00
230 | 1899 4 mills on 5 mills provisional surcharge reply pair with ‘E’ broken on both cards (SPC10a), mint, bends
 | £10.00
231 | 1899 4 millièmes card (SPC11), mint, clean
 | £8.00
232 | 1907-10, new design 2 millièmes card (SPC 14), mint, clean, good
 | £4.00
233 | 1908, 4 millièmes card (SPC18), mint, clean, good
 | £8.00
234 | 1914, 4 millièmes pictorial card (SPC21), mint, clean, good
 | £8.00
235 | 1923, 10 millièmes Colossi card (SPC27), mint, clean, good
 | £10.00
236 | 1931, 3 millièmes Ras el Tin card (SPC32), mint, clean, good
 | £10.00
237 | 19 OC 28, 3 mills card (SPC25) uprated with 2x1m+5m Fuad from Cairo Station to Ulm in Germany. Striking
 | £6.00
238 | 1931, 3 millièmes Ras el Tin card (SPC32, printed on brown card, mint, clean, good
 | £10.00
Egypt postal stationery - envelopes
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239 | 1888-1902, 1 piastre ultramarine, size 120x94mm (SEN2a) with inverted watermark, superb mint
 | £8.00
240 | 1888-1902, 1 millième brown, 108x71mm (SEN4), watermark inverted, superb mint
 | £4.00
241 | 1888-1902, 2 millièmes green, 108x71mm (SEN5) with watermark upright, superb mint
 | £4.00
242 | 1888-1902, 5 millièmes, 146x11mm (SEN6) with inverted watermark, superb mint
 | £8.00
243 | 22 II 93, 5 mills envelope (SEN6), uprated with 2m+3m DLR stamps from Cairo / D to Mannheim, Germany (arrival cds)
 | £10.00
244 | 1907, 3 millièmes, 146x111mm (SEN10) with inverted watermark, superb mint
 | £8.00
245 | 1914, 1 millième pictorial, 108x71mm (SEN13), watermark upright, superb mint
 | £6.00
246 | 1914, 2 millièmes pictorial, 108x71mm (SEN 14), watermark inverted, superb mint
 | £10.00
247 | 1914, 10 millièmes pictorial (Colossi, SEN17), inverted watermark, superb mint
 | £30.00
248 | 19 DE 17, 1914 2 mills pictorial (SEN14) uprated with 1m felucca and used en ville in Port Said, addressed to Customs Office
 | £8.00
249 | 14 MA 20, 1914 10 mills pictorial (SEN17), with watermark vertical and inverted, uprated with 5m DLR for registration (black on white label) and used en ville from Cairo / RD6 to Mixed Tribunal. Arrival cds behind 2 ½ hours later
 | £20.00
250 | 17 JU 20, 1914 1m pictorial (SEN13) uprated with 2m DLR pictorial adhesive, used en ville from Cairo / D to Imperial Ottoman Bank
 | £10.00
251 | 19 VIII 21, 1914 5 mills pictorial (SEN16), uprated with colourful range of low-value DLR pictorials for total of 25 mills to cover postage and registration (black on white label) from Cairo / RD9 to Hastings (arrival behind). Striking
 | £18.00
252 | 18 X 24, 1921 5 mills pink pictorial (SEN22), uprated with 5m+2x10m First Fuad for registration (mute black on white label) to Freiburg (transit and arrival marks behind). Colourful
 | £18.00
253 | 1925 – most unusual, a section of watermarked paper (14.9x11cm), from which the visiting-card small envelopes were printed, showing clearly the Arabic watermark al-barid al-masry (see sketch). Intriguing
 | £20.00
254 | 1925 2 millièmes Cleopatra, 108x71mm (SEN24), wmk al-barid al-masry, superb mint
 | £10.00
255 | 24 DE 25, 1925 2mills Cleopatra (SEN24), with watermark inverted, used from Dawawin / Cairo to War Office in town, and readdressed. Neat and clean
 | £10.00
256 | 1965, 10 millièmes eagle of Saladin envelope with filigree design printed inside (SEN 44), superb mint
 | £10.00
257 | 25 I 66, 1966-67 4 millièmes minaret visiting card envelope (SEN 47) used from Nagh Hady(?) to Cairo. Hadaiq el Qubba machine cancel behind
 | £5.00
258 | 2 MR 68, 4mills minaret envelope (SEN47), addressed to Cairo, uprated with 1 millième definitive and cancelled with scarce cds of Military Forces Hospital / Maadi. Two Cairo machine marks behind
 | £8.00
259 | 1968, 20 millièmes green El Mitwalli Gate envelope (SEN 51), watermark large eagles, superb mint
 | £38.00
260 | 15 3 80, 20 millièmes brown El Mitwalli Gate envelope (SEN55), uprated with four definitives and air stamps for a total of 240 millièmes and part-addressed to Sweden from unusual CDS Baharia / Iron Ore / Mines. CTO but neat
 | £10.00
261 | 1971, printed sheet for 10 millièmes “soldiers’ letter” (SEN 53, see footnote). Surplus to requirements, printed on other side and used as post office registration record document. Remarkable, perfect condition
 | £5.00
Egypt postal stationery – letter sheets
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262 | 1890, 5 millièmes on buff (SLS2), mint, pristine
 | £5.00
263 | 1890, 1 piastre on blue (SLS3), superb mint
 | £5.00
264 | 7 VI 17, 5 millièmes De La Rue, no watermark (SLS6), uprated with 5m DLR for registration (black on white label) from Cairo / RD6 en ville with sender’s cachet behind. Excellent condition
 | £20.00
Egypt postal stationery – registered envelope
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265 | 8 JU 38, 1934 15 millièmes Fouad embossed registered envelope (SRE7), uprated with 20+5m Boy King stamps for 40 mills total from Imad el Din / R&P to New York (transit and arrival marks), black on white Reg label. Very good condition
 | £28.00
Egypt postal stationery – air letters
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266 | 1944, 25 millièmes, no watermark (SALS1), flaps unfolded, excellent mint
 | £5.00
267 | 1948, 25 millièmes, no watermark (SALS2), superb mint
 | £5.00
268 | 1949, 25 millièmes, watermark al-barid al-masry (SALS4), excellent mint
 | £5.00
269 | 1949(?), 25 millièmes (SALS4) addressed to USA (no message), illegible date on Cairo slogan machine cancel, given boxed-T marking and Egyptian censor, return address stamp firmly X-ed out. Mystery
 | £5.00
Sudan postal stationery
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270 | 1906, Sudan 1pt stationery envelope of 1897 (SSEN4) with bilingual overprint, additionally overprinted EXPRESS. Watermark Postes Egyptiennes inverted. Excellent mint, apparently prepared for an express service that was never initiated (Nile Post p.783). Rare
 | £150.00
271 | 1952, Registered envelope bearing impression of 55 millièmes from the “cattle” definitive issue. Sudan’s last recorded postal stationery. Mint, perfect condition
 | £30.00
Egypt’s last Dues (1965) on Cover
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272 | 10 XI 67, large envelope from Kingston, Ontario, addressed to Cairo and franked only 3 cents. Large handstamp T 2/10 on face, and 10m Due (SG D854) affixed behind on arrival. Delivery attempted on Jan 11 and 12, and finally on 22nd. Never opened? No contents, but maybe greetings card and sealed only later (Xmas tree stamp under flap). Odd
 | £34.00
273 | 4 9 68, small plain envelope Arabic-addressed to Alexandria, franked 1961 Nubia Salvage 10m from Mallawi. Rate doubled to 20m in 1967, so pencilled T on face and 20m Due (double the deficiency, SG D855) affixed on reverse on arrival with Saray CDS
 | £24.00
274 | 12 1 73, incoming air letter from Monte Carlo franked 1fr20, received ms T 60/90 and handstamp 2 in circle; and on arrival in Alexandrie 2x20m Dues (SG D855) attached to reverse and stamped all-Arabic faint CDS
 | £24.00
275 | 13 8 81, long air mail cover addressed to Finland, franked with strip of 3x100 mills definitive (SG 1384) to cover postage and registration. Rate should be 230m+90m for Reg, so pair of 1965 10m Dues (SG D854) added to make up the discrepancy. All adhesives cancelled with same red Cairo R.D. / ? CDS.
 | £34.00
Used booklet stamps
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276 | 25 JU 19, printed lawyer’s cover addressed to Switzerland and franked with horizontal pair of 5m De La Rue Pictorial cancelled Cairo / I and with World War I crossed-square censor marking. Swiss arrival behind
 | £20.00
277 | 21 MR 23, small cover sent from Dekernes to Cairo franked with strip of 3x 5m Harrisons Pictorial for Registration (boxed cachet alongside. Cairo arrival next day
 | £24.00
278 | 10 JA 24, small cover Arabic addressed to al-Azhar franked with Harrison 5m pink Pictorial from Farshut. Three cds behind including TPO and machine cancel
 | £15.00
279 | 22 10 27, Full pane of Fuad 5m (SG 156) defraying 3p tax on Arabic letter from teacher requesting permission from his Mansura school to give private lessons out of hours. Neatly pen/pencil cancelled
 | £20.00
280 | 13 2 30, As last pane of same SG 156 seeking permission for Asyut teacher to give extra-curricular lessons
 | £20.00
281 | 1945/47, two small Arabic-addressed covers, one from Suhag to Asyut, the other en ville in Cairo, both franked with pairs of 5m Boy King stamps (SG 252)
 | £15.00
Crown overprint booklet stamps
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282 | 1922, horizontal pair of Harrison 5m pink Pictorial with Cairo typographed Type II Crown overprint (SG 102) and two varieties unrecorded by Nile Post: Arabic mim of Mamlaka deformed on left stamp, 192 of year date 1922 deformed on right stamp. Excellent UM
 | £30.00
283 | Single as last, with figures 19 of Arabic date 1922 deformed in overprint. Excellent UM
 | £10.00
284 | Single of the Harrison pink 5m on piece, used from Zifta 17 FE 24
 | £10.00
Station interest
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285 | 17 SE 45, 6 millièmes Boy King postal stationery postcard (Nile Post SPC 39), used to Cleopatra Baths in Alexandria from clean and neat Sidi Bishr / Station CDS. Fine card
 | £8.00
Post-Revolution stamp flaws
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286 | 1954, 35 millièmes Evacuation commemoration (SG 501), top left block of four with unrecorded printing flaw on lower right stamp, black blob in Sinai to the right of Suez. Fine UM block
 | £8.00
287 | 1957, 25th Anniversary of Egyptian Air Force and civil airlines(SG 545-6), marginal block of 30 se-tenant stamps with A/57 control, spot under nose of green plane (position 41) and watermark inverted (Nile Post $15 per stamp). Immaculate UMM
 | £60.00
288 | 1958, 25 July Egyptian Industries (SG 565-9), se-tenant block of 25 with full margins and control A/58, watermark inverted (Nile Post $15 per stamp). Excellent UMM
 | £120.00
289 | 1958, 50th Death Anniversary of Qasim Amin, reformer (SG 563), control block of 6 with A/58 control and watermark sideways to left (Nile Post quotes $15 per stamp). Fine UM
 | £30.00
290 | 2005, 30pt Cairo ICT / The Next Generation conference (SG 2392). Imperforate, full gum, pristine
 | £10.00
291 | 2006, 50th Anniversary of Military Academy HQ 30pt (SG 2441), imperforate pair from lower left corner of pane with massive margins. Excellent UMM
 | £20.00
292 | 2015, Fourth Anniversary of the 2011 Revolution £E2 (SG 2653), upper marginal, misperforated so that value is lost and two halves of stamp shown. Excellent UMM
 | £10.00
293 | 2015, 26th Summit of Arab States in Sharm el-Sheikh £E3 (SG 2656) misperforated so that Egypt and date fall at the bottom of the stamp. Excellent UMM
 | £10.00
Instructional markings
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294 | 8 IX 02, company cover franked with strip of 5x5mills DLR for registration and AR to Zagazig (Reg box alongside). Not claimed in Zagazig and returned via boxed Non Reclame and rare and recently discovered Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer / with town name Zagazig on face. Unopened until today
 | £44.00
295 | 15 XII 02, Registered cover from Cairo / R franked 1po+5m DLR stamps for Mansoura, where delivery attempted and refused and cover returned via boxed Non Reclame on reverse and unusual Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer / Mansoura on face. Re-closed with stamp edging at some stage, contents remain. Remarkable
 | £38.00
296 | 31 V 07, company printed envelope franked with block of 4x5m DLR for registration to Banha from Cairo / R. Reverse carried trilingual Unclaimed cachet and scarce Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer / Banha instructional mark. Excellent clean cover
 | £44.00
297 | 9 VIII 07, plain envelope franked 1pt for registration from Assiout to Abnub, where refused and eventually (Oct 30) returned with Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer instructional marking with scarce town name Assiout. Good cover
 | £48.00
298 | 3 NO 22, Registered company cover from Cairo / RD5 to Fayoum via clean Fayum-Road / & VV tpo cds, franked with Harrison 15mills (malimat) adhesive. Not claimed, and returned via boxed Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer / Fayoum marking
 | £38.00
299 | 2 MA 27, Registered cover returned from Fayoum to Cairo insurance company, franked 15m First Fuad and after delivery found impossible sent back with unusual Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer / Fayoum boxed cachet. Striking
 | £34.00
300 | 13 DE 28, Company’s registered cover as last, franked 2+3+2x5 millièmes Fuad adhesives and returned from Fayoum with scarce Fayoum marking as last. Neat and clean
 | £38.00
301 | 6 MA 52, Insurance company registered letter sheet with machine cancel of 30 mills sent to Mansura and returned via rare Rebut a Remettre / a l’Envoyer / Mansura (cf Lot 295 above, but no “O”). Cairo Delivery marking behind
 | £34.00
Hotels interest
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302 | 1907/11, two postcards addressed to France, one (franked 4mills) illustrating the Semiramis Hotel under construction; the second (2 mills) cancelled by the hotel’s Type 1 CDS
 | £8.00
303 | 14 1 59, small envelope with an array of definitives and commemoratives totalling 82 mills for registered sea mail (manuscript) to Kent. Scarce CDS of Heliopolis / Hotel / TR
 | £20.00
304 | 2 10 77, Air Mail envelope from Sheraton Hotel post office, Cairo, to London, franked with three adhesives totalling 140 mills cancelled with hotel’s scarce Type 2 CDS
 | £20.00
305 | 24 10 80, printed envelope of Meridien Hotel, Cairo, franked 20 mills with hotel’s meter machine in red, addressed en ville to Giza
 | £20.00
306 | 21 11 88, printed envelope of Montazah Sheraton Hotel franked 50 mills with hotel’s meter machine in red, addressed to Romanian consul in Alexandria
 | £20.00
Asyut Reservoir
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307 | 9 JL 36, Official long brown envelope, unfranked, cancelled with Asyut / (Reservoir) / R&P with unusual and clean Registration cachet alongside, used en ville to Asyut (CDS behind same evening)
 | £20.00
| |
308 | 1892, Salt Tax revenue stamps: lot of 21 used stamps of various values (Feltus p.25), with some spot-on CDS strikes
 | £20.00
309 | 1927, 200 millièmes Consular Service revenue stamp, Feltus’ Second Citadel Issue (p.46), with inverted Crown and Arabic-F watermark. Fine used
 | £10.00
310 | 1954, Moharrem-brand playing cards box (Alexandria) opened for display showing Republic-issue playing card tax stamp (damaged on opening) as Feltus 381 (p.44), but with overprint mahalli (domestic) in place of warid (imported) at left, Rare
 | £8.00
311 | 9 DE 62, UAR / Palestine opt £E1 postal order, dispensed at Gaza and cashed at Camp Cesare, Alexandria, four days later: pairs of Palestine-overprinted 1m revenues on face, pair of originals without opt on reverse. Most unusual to find a cashed postal order
 | £20.00
312 | 1970, original hand-painted essay for 10-milliemes of Feltus’ First Postal Savings Bank issue (p.72), Instructions for amendment on reverse in Arabic and final essay used for all values signed-off by head of postal authority. Painter: Sadek Roufael
 | £40.00
Rare perfins
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313 | 2 millièmes De La Rue (S 59) unmounted – very rare and unusual Scarce perfin of K & H / A – Kortenhaus and Hammerstein / Alexandria
 | £30.00
314 | 2 millièmes De La Rue (SG 59) with one of the most scarce of Egyptian perfins – ESS / CL – Establissement Samaan Sednaoui / Cairo Ltd – with multiple strike. Only eight stamps recorded. Fine used
 | £44.00
Palace collection
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315 | 1939-44, 10 millièmes Farouk Marechal (SG 296), fine mint with small square “saray el-Qubbah” on reverse, signifying from Farouk’s private collection
 | £10.00
Official documents
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316 | January 1, 1850, birth certificate written in Italian (with Arabic notes behind) signed by British vice-consul in Damietta, Michel Surur, and certified by British consular handstamp. Striking survival
 | £60.00
317 | January 19, 1864, certificate in French issued by British vice-consul in Damietta, Michele Surur, Chevalier of the Royal Catholic Order of Isabelle, and certified by British consular cachet. One page of four used. Part illustrated
 | £60.00
318 | 23 XI 11, Post Office Acknowledgement of Delivery (Form 13 Q), sent from Cairo / RD3 and returned completed next day by most unusual CDS of Mit Badr Halawa
 | £8.00
Egypt postal stationery
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319 | 1 IV 13, colour card franked 2x1m DLR for Italy from Zagazig stamp dealer Antonio Corecco, offering to sell or exchange stamps and postcards of Egypt, Sudan, Greece, Cyprus, Levant etc – on printed sheet, so no words written!
 | £6.00
320 | 13 DE 41, 6m Boy King letter sheet (stamp vignette reads al-dawla, Nile Port SLS 12) uprated with 15m Boy King for registration en ville. Cairo /RD 13 to Cairo. Fine condition
 | £30.00
321 | 10 NO 42, letter sheet as last, but vignette reads al-mamlaka (recent discovery – see QC 260) instead of al-dawla. Uprated 15m for registration and used within Shubra. Fine condition
 | £60.00
Station interest
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322 | 7 AU 43, company printed envelope franked 6+20m Boy King for Express service, cancelled with Station / Port Said, Arabic-addressed to Cairo. Reverse has Cairo Postmen arrival CDS
 | £10.00
323 | 24 10 92, long Air Mail envelope franked 50p definitive (SG 1587) and cancelled with all-Arabic CDS of Bur Said Mehatta (Port Said Station), mute red on white registration label completed by hand bur said mehatta. No backstamps
 | £6.00
Air interest
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324 | 3 AP 39, incoming Air Mail envelope from the Secretary to the Vice-Governor General of Italian East Africa, posted with four stamps from Addis Abeba and addressed to a Malika Nazli Street undertaker. Scarce Caire / Par Avion arrival mark behind
 | £8.00
French post offices
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325 | Alexandria French P.O. GC 5080 cancellation on French Napoleon orange 40c perforate stamp (1862). Very fine strike of this postmark
 | £8.00
326 | Alexandrie - three French Sage Type II stamps used at the French P.O. before special issues introduced in 1899. - 25c pink, 50c rose-red, 1 Franc olive. (50c & 1 F very well centred)
 | £2.50
327 | Alexandrie - 1921 Local Surcharge. 15 Mill on Type Blanc 2c. Used. Yv 44/SG 46
 | £3.00
328 | Alexandrie - 20 Mm magenta, 1928 value printed in Millièmes. Used. Yvert 77/SG 8.
 | £2.50
329 | Port-Saïd - 1 Franc French Sage Type II stamp used at the French P.O. (1898) before special issues were introduced in 1899. Good centring. 70% clear postmark. Dallay prices this stamp used at Port-Saïd at € 50.
 | £7.00
330 | Port-Saïd 1899 Sage Overprint - Superb block of 15 unmounted mint 2 centimes stamps, in fine dark yellow shade. Positions 11 and 14 have left dot only above I of SAÏD; position 15 no dots. Very fresh. Large blocks of this issue are scarce. Cat. € 5 each separately. Yvert 2/SG 102
 | £18.00
331 | Port-Saïd 1899 Sage Overprint - Very fine marginal block of 12 unmounted mint 3 centimes stamps, grey with dark-blue overprint. Very fresh. Large blocks of this issue are scarce. Cat. € 5 each. Yv 3/ SG 103
 | £14.00
332 | Port-Saïd Sage Overprint - the light & dark blue overprints on two used 4c stamps. Yv 4/ SG 104
 | £2.50
333 | Port-Saïd 1899 Sage Overprint - The rare 5 centimes yellow-green Type II (U/N). Mounted mint, with a corner crease; well centred. Cat £100 UM, £ 60 mounted. Yv 6/SG 106
 | £6.00
334 | Port-Saïd Sage Overprint - 50c (Type II) fine used. Left dot only above I of SAÏD. Yvert 16/ SG 115
 | £3.50
335 | Forgery - Port-Saïd 15 Millièmes Local Surcharge on Mouchon 20c of the November 1921 Joffre Issue. Yvert 65a/SG 170a. Forged double inverted surcharge on genuine stamp. Unused, no gum. Stamp with one genuine inverted surcharge catalogues over € 280. Good example of the forgeries on these local issues
 | £13.00
336 | Perfin - R & C. on Alexandrie French PO stamp, 10 Millièmes & bars on 25c blue Mouchon, Paris surcharge of 1925. Yvert 70/SG 75. Used. This perfin is not recorded in Varjabedian's book Perfins on Egyptian Stamps, though it could be a variety of the R&C type on page 26, with holes missing due to broken pins. Rare, especially on French PO stamp.
 | £5.00
| |
337 | Alexandrie 5c Type Blanc, redrawn design of 1902, cancelled French P.O. 24 March 1904, on Alexandria postcard to France (Arab cemetery & Pompée column). Scarcer yellow-green shade of the 5c since the blue-green 5c was issued only in 1905. Very fine condition and excellent strike of the postmark, also repeated on the back. Printed matter rate.
 | £8.00
338 | Postcard showing the Inauguration of the statue to Ferdinand de Lesseps on 17 November 1899 at Port-Saïd, attended by Khedive Abbas-Hilmi, with the VIP grandstand on the right. Postcard franked by a pair of Egypt De la Rue 2 millièmes, cancelled Port-Saïd, 28 July 1904, addressed to France, arriving 4/8. Scarce item. Very clean and fresh.
 | £8.00
339 | Postcard illustrating the first statue to Ferdinand de Lesseps, paid for by the city of Port-Saïd after his death in 1894. Pictured here before its installation in the gardens in Square de Lesseps. Inscribed " A Ferd de Lesseps, La Ville de Port-Saïd, 1895". (The giant statue at the entrance to the Canal was paid for by the Canal Company, 1899). Unused card. No. 167 - Lichtenstern & Harari. Very fine condition for this extremely rare card.
 | £12.00
340 | Port-Saïd colour postcard with aerial view of the city and harbour, showing the crowded docks at the ceremony for the re-opening of the Suez Canal on 5 June 1975 (closed since the 1967 war with Israel), a famous historical event. Card unused, mint
 | £4.00
341 | Colourful French postcard (Foyer of the Paris Opera House), sent from Paris 6 April 1913, franked 10c Sower stamp. Addressed to Prince Immanuel de Jerusalem in Cairo, 12 April arrival postmark. At the front the receipt mark in purple of the Prince, a star of David inscribed "Gold Reich", with his name and address over two lines. Curious item, very fine condition
 | £4.00
342 | Jerusalem in World War II. The Military "Other Forces Club", the Church of Scotland Hotel & Canteen. Fascinating detailed actual photograph of the street and building. On the back the 3-line cachet in purple of the photographer "The Matson Photo Service, Jerusalem, Palestine". For good measure, his shop can be seen at the left of the entrance to the club.
 | £4.00
343 | Cairo Museum - ten postcards (circa 1905) depicting Egyptian antiquities in the museum, from a larger series printed by M Perez, Egypt. Unused, in superb condition. Rahotep-Nefret, seated scribe, Amenophis III & queen Tiyi, jewels, etc. Fine early postcards. Scarce.
 | £5.00
344 | Musée du Caire - 9 postcards (circa 1902) depicting Egyptian antiquities in the museum, all different from the previous lot. From a larger series beautifully printed in France by Imp. Berthaud Frères, Paris. Tutmes III, furniture, low-reliefs and one card showing Hathor cow statue in situ upon its discovery at Deir-el-Bahri. Unused in perfect condition. Scarce.
 | £5.00
Literature – please note that the following seven items may attract postal charges depending on size and weight
| |
345 | La Société Royale de Géographie d'Egypte (1875-1950) - Son Histoire - Ses Activités. In French. By Hassan Awad. Printer Al Maaref, Cairo, 1950. Soft cover booklet, 235 x 170mm, 32 pages. Brief history of Egypt's Royal Geographical Society, (founded 1875 by Khedive Ismail); listing all past presidents, and with detailed list of Society's publications. Fascinating, scarce and in very fine condition
 | £5.00
346 | Le Service Postal dans l'Isthme de Suez pendant les travaux de creusement du Canal, de 1859 à 1869. By Jean Boulad (d'Humières), Cairo 1948. Printed by Le Scribe Egyptien. Pamphlet in French, 250 x 170mm, containing five pages of text between soft covers plus a map showing the location of the Canal post offices. An early article on the stamps and postal history of the Suez Canal by JBH who later became the great specialist on this subject. Extracted from 1947 Bulletin of the Society for the Historic and Geographic Study of the Canal. Small printing of which very few survived. Rare. Signed by the author. "Avec les meilleurs souvenirs de, Jean Boulad".
 | £7.00
347 | Joe Chalhoub and Charlie Hass, The Nile Post: Handbook and Catalogue of Egyptian Stamps (2003). Immaculate with dust jacket, 784pp, fully illustrated
 | £95.00
348 | Peter A S Smith, Egypt, Stamps and Postal History: A Philatelic Treatise (1999), Pristine with dust jacket, 872pp, the Study Circle bible
 | £95.00
349 | Mixed lot – Zeheri 1967, John Sears’ First Portrait Issue (1997), John Sears’ The Airmails of Egypt (1990), Peter Smith, Travelling Post Offices of Egypt (1983), Robson Lowe, Byam’s Egypt (1961), Egyptian Government The Kings of Egypt and their Stamps 1860-1960 (1969). All in good to excellent condition with dust jackets where appropriate, Zeheri cover loose, but otherwise a good clean lot
 | £20.00
350 | Mike Murphy and Ibrahim Shoukry, Egypt: The Rural Postal Service (2010). A4, hardback, 192pp, 40 colour plates, contains drawings of all 1300 Rural postmarks known and details for first time the birth of the service in 1889. Excellent condition
 | £10.00
351 | As last, pristine softback in protective covering
| £7.00
Egyptian revenues
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352 | 1962, Union of Syndicates of the Medical Professions, 2 millièmes green in full mint sheet of 100 with stethoscope watermark and truly dreadful perforations. Control Arabic A/62. Feltus Fourth Issue (1959-70, p.90). Part illustrated
 | £20.00
353 | Medical Syndicate, 5pt slate-green, full mint sheet of 100, printing date 2 II 87, large eagles watermark. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
354 | Medical Syndicate £E1 green, printing date 6 II (20)06, full mint unwatermarked sheet of 100. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
355 | Medical Syndicate 25pt orange, printing date 21 8(Arabic!) 07, no watermark, full mint sheet of 100. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
356 | Medical Syndicate £E1 pale green, printing date 21 8(Arabic!) 07, no watermark, glossy paper, full mint sheet of 100. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
357 | Medical Syndicate £E1 olive, 2014, no printing date, no watermark, rouletted, full mint sheet of 100. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
358 | Medical Syndicate £E1 deep olive, 2015, no printing date, no watermark, rouletted, full mint sheet of 100. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
359 | Syndicate of the Education Professions, 250 millièmes brown, printing date 12 XI 93, no watermark, full mint sheet of 100. Part illustrated
 | £20.00
Egypt – printing essay
| |
360 | Kima Factory at Aswan, full mint sheet of 35 stamps in violet, no value, no watermark, no printing date. Part illustrated
 | £40.00
Salama forgery
| |
361 | Second Issue 5-para in full mint sheet of 35 stamps with full gum behind. Striking
 | £20.00
Egyptian revenues used
| |
362 | 17 4 1923, handwritten certificate of good conduct on air mail paper, tax paid by vertical pair of 15 millièmes Harrison pictorial (SG 41) instead of revenues. Issued by Port Said Customs department and stamps cancelled with negative seal “Gomrok Bur Said”
 | £15.00
363 | 18 5 1925, Visa page from Egyptian passport with permission to return to Egypt cachet, tax paid by block of four of the Official No-value stamp with 5pt surcharge, cancelled with Alexandria City Police handstamp. Striking
 | £28.00
364 | 12 7 1928, as last, visa page from Egyptian passport giving permission to return, tax paid with Feltus Consular Service First Citadel Issue 200m violet (p.46) and 500m blue Royal Crest Issue (p.47), cancelled by Public Security Dept handstamp
 | £20.00
Egypt mint stamps
| |
365 | 1933, International Aviation Congress, complete set of five values (SG214-218) in beautiful unmounted mint right marginal blocks of four
 | £240.00
Sudan new currency
| |
366 | 1993, handstamp surcharge of 2.5 dinars on 25 piastre De La Rue shoebill definitive (SG 475), becoming SG 512 (page 330), where each stamp is valued at £14. Pristine block of 40 mint stamps
 | £80.00
367 | 2008, printed surcharge of 2 SDG on former £8 Pterois volitans (red lionfish) De La Rue definitive, obliterating former value and becoming SG 683 (page 334), where each stamp valued at £12.50. Full mint sheet of 50 stamps. Part illustrated
 | £120.00
Egypt Postal history
| |
368 | 23 VIII 94, beautifully clean 1pt postal stationery envelope, watermark upright, sent from Port Said to Singapore with outstanding violet double-oval cachet of Simon Arzt Egyptian Cigaret Manufactory on face. Arrival September 12
 | £34.00
369 | 4 AP 25, plain cover addressed en ville to Mixed Tribunal in Cairo, sent from International Geographical Congress and bearing Egypt's first commemorative issue (SG 123-5) with faint congress handstamp cds. 5m shows slight crease
 | £30.00
370 | 4 FEB 1933, small envelope of Gezira Sporting Club (flap) addressed to Torquay and unusually franked with 15m commemorative of Railway Congress series (SG191). Clean, neat
 | £48.00
371 | 31 MR 33, small envelope sent from Cairo to Heliopolis, franked by control strip of three of Railway Congress 5m, plus a single (SG 189), for registration (black on white label)
 | £34.00
372 | 25 MA 33, large envelope (26x15.5cm) posted registered and Express from Alexandria to Darb el Ahmar, near Cairo, franked 45 mills with Railway Congress 5 mills plus 2x15 and 3x5 Fuad definitives. Black on white Reg label, Express cachet, Postmen Cairo CDS on reverse
 | £28.00
Hotels interest
| |
373 | “1918” falsified hotel postcard, with pre-used 1pi DLR blue on face and spurious handstamps (no Arabic) reading Office Hotel / Special / 12 10 18 / Karnak / Egypte. Message on reverse, otherwise unfranked, seems to have been written in August 1901. One of a series of well-known fakes
 | £20.00
Khedivial Mail Line
| |
374 | 1938, ticket folder (10x15cm) with bilingual office details on interior pocket, stout card with sewn edges
 | £10.00
375 | 1950, bilingual dinner menu for passengers aboard the SS Khedive Ismail on July 12 1950 – braised beef
 | £10.00
Printed illustrated covers
| |
376 | 29 X 18, Pharmacy cover sent from Cairo to New York with 2x2m DLR Pictorials, boxed T and chamfered Censor 1 alongside. Whole of reverse an advertisement extolling virtues of Delphinine, a patent seasickness potion
 | £20.00
377 | 28 JAN 37, small clean envelope of National Hotel, Cairo, with more than to half of face being the hotel name, now covered by 3+30m Air Mails for Vienna via Greece. Bilingual Par Avion label, Athens machine in transit, Vienna arrival
 | £18.00
378 | 25 NO 55, printed envelope of George Kyriacou Egyptian Cigarettes, franked with Republican definitives (35m Mosque, 17m Soldier) for Paris. Striking image of Chesterfield cigarette pack on reverse
 | £20.00
Cholera cover
| |
379 | 19 AUG 43, printed cover of M. Colonna, razor blade manufacturer and perfumer, franked 2+50m Farouk definitives for air mail to Strasbourg. Reverse a large pictorial advertisement with no backstamps, but cover has two (3?) one-inch parallel slits at lower right corner (indicated) for anti-cholera treatment. Quite remarkable
 | £34.00
Cover with 50pt adhesive
| |
380 | 1 OC 41, printed cover of Belgian Cairo legation, addressed to Ambassador in Washington and franked for registration with 90 mills, comprising Farouk Marechal 50pt plus 30m and Boy King 10m. CDS is R/Parliament, with mute Reg label and postal censor marks in violet and magenta. Reverse has large wax seal, transit Honolulu and two Washington arrivals
 | £44.00
Maxi card
| |
381 | B/w portrait card of Farouk in military uniform, CTO in Bethlehem 30 AP 48 to mark British troops leaving, on 20 mills Farouk Air Mail stamp
 | £6.00
382 | 13 III 15, Cheeky maxi-card, colour card Jeune Fille Egyptienne, franked with DLR 2m (Cleopatra in similar deshabille), cancelled Port Said / C. Pencil addressed Port Said
 | £5.00
Postal markings
| |
383 | (date?), DLR 1 piastre and 2 piastre loose stamps, each showing large part of scarce Piroscafi Postali / dall Egitto handstamp
 | £10.00
384 | 16 AV 89, clear strike of Damiette / star and crescent on 5m stationery postcard addressed in Arabic to Tanta. Corner lost
 | £3.00
385 | 24 I 91, Italian 10c postal stationery card, message in Italian, addressed to Cairo with spot-on Cairo / A arrival CDS
 | £2.00
386 | 18 I 61, long envelope franked 60 mills and sent from US Embassy in Cairo to Danish brewer. No postal markings. On arrival provided with 30 ore machine franking, presumably to pay internal postage. No backstamps. Most odd
 | £4.00
Egyptian stamps
| |
387 | Mass of more than 150 Egyptian definitives, airs and commems, 1930s-40s, in excellent condition, inc 3 ms for 1959, 1965, 1966. All very neat NH mint (majority) or hinge remains. Little duplication, excellent lot to build on
 | £12.00
388 | Archaeology theme – five stockcards with total of 31 stamps and 1ms (Tutankhamun anniversary), all NH mint, all depicting some form of Egyptian antiquity. Neat thematic start pack
 | £10.00
| |
389 | Oct 31, 1948, Socony-Vacuum complete service station account sent within Cairo and franked by 4m Marechal with clear company VO / Co perfin
 | £3.00
390 | Various, four Egyptian perfins on loose stamps (Italian Bank, Credit Lyonnais, Ottoman Bank on Fuad definitives, and Anglo-Belgian Company on DLR pictorial 1m); plus APC from Palestine
 | £3.00
| |
391 | Sepia – Le Caire – Rue Arabe. Cairo Postcard Trust Serie 201 4717, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
392 | Sepia – Alexandrie – Ramleh Terminus, showing double-decker coach. Spiro Grivas/Lehnert & Landrock, divided back, mint
 | £8.00
393 | Sepia – Café Arabe – Suez. MAF 18, divided back. Message describes “an Arabic Church”, not posted
 | £1.00
394 | Sepia – Egypt – Sakkas, watersellers. BB 34, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
395 | Sepia photocard – Interior of Azhar Mosque. Lehnert & Landrock 40, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
396 | Sepia photocard – Cairo – Davies Bryan’s Buildings. Cairo Postcard Trust 1206-3, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
397 | B/w – Cairo – Native Quarters. Cairo Postcard Trust Series 597, divided back mint
 | £1.00
398 | B/w – Cairo – Panorama. BB 95, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
399 | B/w – Ismailia – L’Eglise Grecque. Costi Damilacos, 9815, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
400 | B/w – P&O Carthage. Message written on board mentions Port Said-Aden-Bombay-Colombo. 45m UAR Egypt stamps and Paquebot / Port Said CDS 1 AU 59
 | £1.00
401 | B/w – Assouan – La Rue de la Gare. LL 7, divided back, on green car, mint
 | £1.00
402 | B/w – Rosette – Mosque Cheikh Momandur. Comptoir Philatelique 437 (Kardiache photo), single back mint
 | £1.00
403 | B/w – Cassara Bazar – Suez. CA2, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
404 | B/w photocard – Queen Victoria Statue. Boy King 3m+Marechal 10m for Holland from Port Tawfik / D 24 SE 47
 | £1.00
405 | B/w photocard – Port Said – The Boulevard Fouad 1. Oriental Commercial Bureau, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
406 | Colour – Waterseller and female water bearer (Egypt). Shurey’s Publications, mint, corner bend
 | £1.00
407 | Colour – ‘Saka’ - Porteur d’eau. DJL 300, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
408 | Colour – Monument of Ibrahim Pacha. Carto-Sport Rudmann 59800, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
409 | Colour – Danse Soudanaise. Lichtenstern & Harari 503, single back, mint
 | £1.00
410 | Colour – Le Caire – Rue Bab-el-Charieh. Comptoir Philatelique 2037 (Lekegian photo), single back, sl staining behind
 | £1.00
411 | Colour – Caire – Credit Lyonnaise. Cai 130 – 54641. Divided back, mint
 | £1.00
412 | Colour – Paris – Luxor Obelisk. French card beautifully franked and machine-cancelled from Paris for Ohio. Message about the obelisk
 | £1.00
413 | Colour – three mint UAR cards of the Eastern Publishing Company showing romantic scenes – feluccas, pyramids and Cairo street
 | £2.00
414 | Colour – Cairo – The Citadel Barracks. LL 96, divided back, mint
 | £1.00
Censor interest
| |
415 | (date?), Westinghouse printed air mail envelope with company name obliterated, franked Boy King 20+2 mills, not cancelled, marked Personal and addressed to Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington. Passed by ONI Naval Censor. No backstamps
 | £6.00
416 | 13 MR 43, Banque Misr printed envelope franked 4x5+2m Boy King for Tehran from Cairo / V. Opened and resealed by Egyptian censor and Censor 87 (Mrs Musgrave-Thomas), but also by Russian(?) and Anglo-Soviet-Persian Censorship. Arrival April 10
 | £8.00
| TPO markings | |
417 | 20 VIII 09, 5 mills postal stationery envelope addressed to Cairo and cancelled with type 5A3 Zifta-Tanta / TPO, earliest recorded
 | £4.00
418 | 22 X 13, neat lawyer’s printed cover franked 5m DLR for Cairo and cancelled Dumiat-Tanta/TPO (type 5A3)
 | £3.00
419 | 20 III 17, neat letter addressed to Mansura lawyer, franked 5m DLR from Faggala. Reverse has Cairo / Station, Mansoura, and two 5A3-type TPOs – Cairo-Port Said and Mansura-Cairo, both latest recorded
 | £4.00
420 | 9 JA 43, printed cover franked Boy King 6m for Cairo, cancelled with faint Cairo-Tanta / & VV (Type 7A3.4, recorded DE 32 to MR 45). Cairo machine arrival behind
 | £2.00
Hotels interest
| |
421 | 18 12 59, Cover from Nile Hilton to Zurich, franked 45m for air mail printed paper rate. No clear backstamp but seems to have travelled
 | £4.00
Postal history
| |
422 | 1852, two entire letters, sent from Alexandria to Paris or Marseille via British and French post offices respectively
 | £10.00
423 | 16 FE 84, small cover franked 1pi rose (SG 47) for Ambleside, cancelled with clear Port Said / Depart CDS, flap torn, but part Ambleside CDS on reverse 20 FE
 | £8.00
424 | 12 VI 00, small envelope franked 2x5m DLR for postage from Minia to Chios, Turkey. Backstamped Alex / A, Smyrne in blue and faint Chios. Unusual
 | £6.00
425 | 4 JL 02, 5m ps envelope (NP SEN6), uprated with 5m DLR for Germany and cancelled with clear Alexandria / Station CDS. Arrival mark behind, central fold does not detract
 | £6.00
426 | 23 II 10, 1pi postal stationery letter sheet (SLS 1), cancelled with Assiut-Cairo / TPO, with transit mark Cairo / A same day for Strasbourg. Sender’s handstamp on reverse. Message in German inside. Fully written up
 | £4.00
427 | 19 III 24, neat Official folded letter addressed to Cairo from Banha (Banha Station mark behind), neatly sealed on three sides according to regulation with bilingual black on pink Egyptian Government label
 | £4.00
428 | 65 SE 25, lawyer’s printed envelope franked with 10+15m First Fuads for Registration and AR within Cairo. Various notations behind, but Refused (trilingual box) and returned next day
 | £4.00
429 | 20 OC 27, Clean registered Arabic-addressed cover franked 15m First Fuad from Tala./ R&P with Reg cachet, to Cairo R&P and finally Azhar
 | £6.00
430 | 14 AU 30, Arabic-addressed cover franked Fuad 2x5+15 for Registration and AR (card remains attached) from R/ Dawawin (Cairo) to Fayum, but multiply readdressed and eventually returned to Dawawin on August 23. Backstamps include TPO and Nazla
 | £8.00
431 | 13 VI 36, neat incoming registered cover from Belgium, readdressed Alex-Cairo with array of CDS behind, culminating in Cairo Delivery / RA1
 | £4.00
432 | 26 SEP 39, Commercial printed envelope franked 4m Fuad with slogan machine cancel for Germany, “just” sealed. Boxed T alongside but no tax raised on arrival
 | £6.00
433 | 16 OC 39, cover addressed to UK Par Avion franked with three blocks of four of the Boy King 5m for a total of 60 mills, sent from Alexandria with Cairo machine on reverse
 | £3.00
434 | 1 FE 43, plain cover franked 1m Boy King and 20m Air for postage and registration from (R&P) / Qasr el Eini (Reg box alongside) in Cairo. Reverse has Cairo transit and Cairo / Postmen delivery mark two hours later
 | £5.00
435 | 14 OCT 194(3?), plain cover franked 4+13+2x30m Boy King for air mail to Scotland, all cancelled by Retta though return address Worms & Co, Alex. Censor resealed plus censor mark of Miss L Gryllis. Cairo machine transit behind
 | £3.00
436 | 2 SEP 1949, flimsy commercial printed envelope franked 2+10+20 mills Marechal (32 mills) for France, Cairo machine cancel, two censor marks and all-Arabic resealing label, corner lost
 | £4.00
437 | 1950? Two neat clean air letters (1944 SALS1 and 1949 SALS4 with Arabic watermark), both sent to same address in London, both with censor marks. Neat pair
 | £4.00
438 | 28 SE 53, small registered cover addressed to New York from Alex, provided with an array of Farouk and Republican adhesives totalling 127mills. Censored on face, Aerodrome du Caire transit behind
 | £4.00
439 | UAR period, date unknown. B/W picture postcard of piece of art (can be identified?) from a Cairo exhibition, mentioned in message for France. Marked Avion, franked 60m Air Mail + 2x10m UAR definitives, but cancelled only with three strikes of an Expres (single S) single-line handstamp. Unusual
 | £6.00
440 | UAR period, date unknown, Nile Hilton air mail envelope franked 60m in Republican definitives (loosely secured) for Switzerland, but cancelled only with triple wavy lines. Censor mark, but no other. Odd treatment
 | £4.00
441 | 2 NOV 56, souvenir cover, franked by Israeli stamp cancelled by El Arish / Telegraph Office to mark occupation by IDF
 | £2.00
442 | 29 JU 58, plain envelope franked with strip of 5x20m soldier plus 2x5m definitives for registration to Vienna. Censored on face, Aerodrome du Caire and Wien markings in reverse
 | £4.00
443 | 19 8 60, printed company air mail cover addressed to New York, franked 100m+30n+5m with pink Reg label. Censored, and transit Cairo and Cairo Airport with New York arrival Aug 22
 | £4.00
444 | 1960-66, range of seven small envelopes with different frankings and postmarks, four containing original visiting cards. Mixed condition
 | £4.00
First Day, Souvenir covers etc
| |
445 | 21 JAN 33, sepia card (feluccas) addressed to Paris and franked only with 13m stamp of Railways exhibition issue, with faint strike of exhibition CDS and large red oval of the congress permanent commission. Unusual
 | £5.00
446 | 9 MCH 1934, company printed cover unusually addressed to Yugoslavia and unusually franked only with 20m UPU exhibition stamp. Cairo machine cancel, slight offset on reverse, no other marks
 | £6.00
447 | 9 AU 46, plain envelope with Cairo Citadel Evacuation (SG 313) and day of issue Philatelic Bureau CDS
 | £1.00
448 | 9 NO 46, full set of Arab League Congress (SG 315-27) on plain card stuck to plain envelope, all cancelled with day of issue Philatelic Bureau CDS
 | £2.00
449 | 1 OC 48, Air Mail envelope prepared for philatelist, with 2m definitive and 3m Air of Palestine overprints cancelled with scarce Beth Lahem CDS. Handstamped First Day Cover, but stamps issued June 1. No sign of its having travelled
 | £5.00
450 | 15.3.58, plain cover with 3m UAR Egypt definitive (SG 555) and FD cancel
 | £1.00
451 | As last, smaller envelope
 | £1.00
452 | 16 4 58, small visiting card envelope with marginal 4m UAR Egypt definitive (SG 556) and FD cancel of Port Said
 | £2.00
453 | 2 6 58, Air Mail envelope with 1m UAR Egypt definitive (SG 553) and Cairo FDC cancel
 | £1.00
454 | 10 12 68, two small covers, bearing 10m and 35m respectively, of Gaza-overprint Human Rights issue (SG 98-9) with scallop-edge Gaza 2 / Palestine FD cancels
 | £5.00
455 | 27 MA 90, souvenir of ESC Cairo visit to London for Stamp World 90, with image of Penny Black on papyrus, Egyptian definitives for 1p+3p cancelled by Cairo Philatelic Bureau and 15p “two Queens” Machin. No 38 of 50 only prepared
 | £4.00
Printing Experiment
| |
456 | 1959, first anniversary of UAR/Yemen proclamation, printed in single colour as first production of Postal Printing House new press. Here deep rose red, perforated and unwatermarked (NP page 270), mint NH
 | £4.00
Postmark cutouts
| |
457 | 1925-38, remarkable collection of 22 cutouts, clean and perfect, of commemorative datestamps for the various exhibitions and congresses celebrated by Egypt. Also two congress Registration cachet cutouts and an Egyptian Government sealing label. Ex Ibrahim Chaftar
 | £10.00
Railways of Egypt
| |
458 | 1941, provisional specimen block of 12 bilingual £12.10s share coupons printed on actual paper to be used, and initialled for approval 1.4.41. “Payable Apr 15 1930”
 | £10.00
Mini-history: I.T.A.MacDonald
| |
459 | 1915-1921, four covers (one with contents), a telegram and a letter concerning Alastair MacDonald of Bulkely, Ramleh, who was given leave by Ministry of Education to join the British Army in 1915, and six years later suffered an unexplained tragedy referred to in telegram and letter. Poignant series of documents
 | £15.00
International Reply Coupon
| |
460 | Valid to end of 2017: Egypt’s latest UPU reply coupon, with no printed value, but holograms on silver rectangle. Six languages on reverse, together with lengthy barcode. Mint,
 | £6.00
Egyptian Entry Visa
| |
461 | Small hologram entry visa stamp, value $15, mint, on backing paper as bought at airport for handing to immigration officials to verify and stamp into visitor’s passport. With bilingual (Nefertiti head) and all-Arabic (Citadel) arrival forms
 | £12.00
Egyptian military
| |
462 | 1958, unfranked cover sent from Abu Shusha to Cairo. Received pencil T en route, arrived Cairo 25 AUG green roller canceller, followed by 20m Due next day, and eventually small trilingual REFUSED handstamp. Contents remain
 | £3.00
463 | 1964, unfranked barid harby cover, Arabic addressed, with hexagonal Unit 42 CDS and violet military censor. Machine arrival Sidi Gaber behind. Unopened
 | £2.00
464 | 1967, large printed cover addressed to Cairo, franked with 35m Official stamp plus Official Oval for Registration, received military unit 23 hexagonal datestamp. No backstamps, contents remain
 | £2.00
Taxed and Postage Due
| |
465 | 7 JA 94, De La Rue 1 mill visiting card envelope, used from Tukh to Alexandria. Vignette cancelled and boxed-T alongside. No due raised
 | £6.00
466 | 30 X 94, fragment of much-travelled cover, with boxed-T marking accompanying Challal-Wadi Halfa CDS (TPO Type 8A7) with 1pi Postage Due alongside cancelled Caire 4 XI 94.
 | £4.00
467 | 19 VIII 07, upright b/w card, Fille Fellah, unfranked for France. Port Said CDS, boxed T and French arrival, no dues
 | £3.00
468 | 30 IV 13, colour card, Alexandrie, Jardin Public, franked 3x1m DLR for London, boxed T/5C on arrival, but no dues
 | £3.00
469 | 28 MR 19, colour card Port Said, Jardin de Lesseps, franked with 3m DLR Pictorial for Chester, cancelled Port Taufiq / D but received boxed T / 05 en route. No tax raised in UK
 | £4.00
Revenue stamped paper
| |
470 | As Feltus Pyramid Issues (p.16), but unrecorded. 7in x 9 3/4in, with value shown as 6 piastres not 3 (and then surcharged with a red rectangle back to 3 piastres). Sheet apparently sliced in half so that only half of watermark (here 1900, again unrecorded) is visible. Arabic covers back of sheet, with Survey of Egypt handstamp dated 5 July 1933. Most unusual
 | £8.00
471 | Similar to last, but watermark 1890 (Feltus recorded), writing on one side only, handstamp date illegible
 | £6.00
Revenue Machine Cancel
| |
472 | Proof on small card of ornate bilingual Stamp Duty meter marking impression dated 23 V 52 with specimen value at 1 millième. Probably Universal Multi-Value, unusual
 | £4.00
Egyptian labels
| |
473 | Four skinny commercial/advertising labels from Egyptian cigarettes
 | £4.00
474 | Two large advertising/commercial labels from Egyptian perfumes
 | £3.00
Postal History
| |
475 | 1951, two registered bank covers to Switzerland, both rated 92 mills in Marechal definitives, both censored and with clear R.A / Aeroport Farouk transit CDS with Swiss markings behind
| £3.00
476 | 1915-53, three covers to Switzerland, inc 1915 registered (bank wafer on reverse), 1924 with 5+10m Crown opts, 1953 with Farouk barred out. Neat covers
| £3.00
477 | 21 JA 54, Registered postcard, commercially printed in Arabic, and provided with pairs of 3m+10m with Farouk bars for 26m local rate, together with black on red Registration label. CDS unfortunately illegible, vertical crease does not detract
 | £4.00
Covers with Farouk bar stamps
| |
478 | Group of six interesting covers and two cards, 1953-54, franked entirely with 39 Farouk bars stamps, including some Airs and definitive issues to 30 mills. All clean covers
| £8.00
Sudan stamps – the following 12 lots are listed for the first time in the new SG North-East Africa catalogue
| |
479 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £5 on 10PT in black, left upper corner block of four, VF mint NH, SG 410a
 | £30.00
480 | 1985, as last but surcharge inverted, upper marginal pair, VF mint NH and very rare, SG 410a variety
 | £20.00
481 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £5 on 10PT in blue, left upper corner block of four, VF mint NH, SG 410aa
 | £30.00
482 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £5 on 20PT in black, VF mint NH right marginal block of four, very rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410b
 | £40.00
483 | 1985, as last but surcharge inverted, VF mint NH left upper corner block of four, very rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410b variety
 | £50.00
484 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £5 on 20PT in blue, VF mint NH right lower corner block of four with printer’s name, very rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410ba
 | £40.00
485 | 1985, as last but surcharge inverted, VF mint NH right marginal block of four, very rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410ba variety
 | £50.00
486 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £10 on 10PT in black, VF mint NH right upper corner block of four, rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410c
 | £40.00
487 | 1985, as last but surcharge inverted, VF mint NH upper marginal block of four, very rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410c variety
 | £50.00
488 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £10 on 10PT in blue, VF mint NH right lower corner block of four with printer’s name, rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410ca
 | £45.00
489 | 1985, as last but surcharge inverted, VF mint NH upper marginal block of four, very rare, Michel cat €1000+, SG 410ca variety
 | £50.00
490 | 1985, 1962 definitive handstamp-surcharged in Arabic £10 on 20PT in black and inverted. VF mint NH right lower corner block of four with printer’s name, very rare, SG 410d variety
 | £50.00
Egypt Stamps
| |
491 | 1972, 100 millièmes definitive stamp (Cairo Citadel) with no watermark, rare, VF mint NH, left marginal block of four
 | £24.00
492 | 2014, withdrawn issue for “New Suez Canal” with error middle stamp showing Panama Canal. Only 4080 sets were sold, according to ESC article. Rare, VF mint NH
 | £50.00
Errors and Varieties
| |
493 | 1959, 60 millièmes air mail definitive stamp with horizontal perforation shifted downwards across ”UAR”. VF mint NH left marginal vertical pair. NP A77b cat $50
 | £15.00
494 | 1993-4, 15pi definitive (Sphinx) with horizontal perforation shifted downward so that “Egypt” and “masr” are at bottom instead of top of stamp. Only one sheet of 80 stamps known to exist. VF mint NH upper marginal vertical pair with extra “Egypt” in margin, with normal for comparison. NP D338a, cat 2x$60=$120
 | £34.00
495 | 1989, birth centenary of Nehru with green frame shifted to the right by 4mm. One pane of 50 known to exist. VF mint NH single with normal for comparison. NP C1145a, cat $150
 | £34.00
496 | 1989, as last, but with design, not frame, shifted upwards and to the right, making “Egypt” and “masr” at bottom of stamp and exposing incorrect birth centenary dates in Arabic, which were obliterated by decorative band in the normal stamp. Fascinating error, only one pane of 50 known to exist. VF mint NH single with normal for comparison NP C1145b, cat $200
 | £70.00
497 | 1995, 50th anniversary of Arab League with gold colour shifted downwards by 3mm and to the right. VF mint NH single with normal for comparison. NP C1315a, cat $50
 | £15.00
498 | 1994, UN Population and Development Conference with green background shifted 5mm downwards so that “Egypt, masr and barid” appear on white background instead of green. Only one pane of 50 known to exist. VF mint NH lower marginal vertical pair with normal for comparison. NP C1290a, cat $50x2=£100
 | £24.00
499 | 2005, International Year for Sports with red colour shifted to the left by 2mm creating double image. VF mint NH lower marginal single with normal for comparison
 | £10.00
Sudan stamps
| |
500 | 1990, 1962 definitive 10PT value with no wmk, handstamp-surcharged £1 in Arabic. VF mint NH right lower corner block of four with printer’s name. SG 468 cat 4x£110=£440
 | £60.00
501 | 1990, as last but with thick surcharge, rare. VF mint NH right upper corner block of four. SG 468 cat 4x£110=£440
 | £70.00
502 | 1993, 1991 definitive stamps handstamp-surcharged in new currency (dinar). VF mint NH complete set of five values, SG 510-14, rarely offered. SG cat £69.75
 | £30.00
503 | 2003 Officials, complete set of four values, VF mint NH. SG O623-26, cat £60
 | £20.00
Egypt stamps – the following lots are mainly catalogued according to Balian
| |
Boy King control blocks, never hinged
| |
504 | 1 millième, B/41 A/42 perforated through margin, block of four
 | £1.00
505 | 1 millième, B/41 A/42 imperf through margin, block of four
 | £1.00
506 | 3 millièmes, A/41 A/42 perforated through margin, block of four
 | £1.00
507 | 10 millièmes, A/43 perforated through margin, block of four
 | £2.00
508 | 15 millièmes, A/39 A/40, imperf through margin, block of four
 | £2.00
509 | 20 millièmes, A/38 A/40 A/42 A/43 imperf through margin, block of six
 | £4.00
Farouk Marechal, control blocks never hinged
| |
510 | 10 millièmes, A/44, perforated through margin, block of four
 | £1.00
511 | 20 millièmes, A./48 (Arabic only) A/49, perforated through margin, block of four
 | £3.00
Varieties – reversed/inverted watermarks
| |
512 | 13 millièmes Fouad (Bal 293a), right marginal pair. NH, rare
 | £10.00
513 | 1 millième Boy King (Bal 364a),left marginal block of six, NH
 | £2.00
514 | 3 millièmes Boy King (Bal 366a),upper right corner block of six, NH
 | £2.00
515 | 10 millièmes Boy King (Bal 370a), upper marginal block of four, NH
 | £3.00
516 | 15 millièmes Boy King (Bal 372a), block of four, NH
 | £3.00
517 | 1 millième Marechal (Bal 403b),vertical pair, NH
 | £2.00
518 | 10 millièmes Marechal with bars (Bal 522a), lower marginal vertical pair, NH
 | £4.00
519 | 5 millièmes 1941 Air (Bal 397a), right marginal block of four, NH
 | £3.00
520 | 15 millièmes, 1953 Air (Bal 515a), right upper corner block of four, NH
 | £3.00
521 | 40 millièmes 1953 Air with bars (Bal 543a), left marginal block of four, NH
 | £4.00
522 | 10 millièmes 1957 Republic definitive (Bal 570a), block of four, NH
 | £2.00
523 | 10 millièmes 1957 Republic definitive (Bal 571a), upper marginal block of four, NH
 | £2.00
524 | 1 millième 1958 UAR issue (Bal 579a), right marginal single, NH
 | £1.00
525 | 3 millièmes 1958 UAR issue (Bal 581c), lower marginal pair, NH
 | £2.00
526 | 4 millièmes 1962 Official (Bal 626a), left marginal strip of three, NH
 | £3.00
527 | 35 millièmes 1962 Official (Bal 629a), unrecorded single, NH, rare
 | £5.00
1959 provisional overprint control blocks
| |
528 | 55 mills on 100 mills UAR surcharge with UAP instead of UAR (Bal 586d), control A/53 A/54, block of four, NH, pencil marks in margin
 | £3.00
529 | 55 mills on 100 mills UAR (Bal 586), control A/55, slight surcharge shift so that Arabic 55 touches perforations, control A/55, block of four, NH,
 | £3.00
1933 Airs ‘bird on wing’ variety
| |
530 | 2 millièmes, lower left corner block of four showing variety (Bal 353, black spot on front edge of wing) on posn 42, NH
 | £5.00
531 | 3 millièmes as last
 | £5.00
532 | 4 millièmes, as last
 | £8.00
533 | 8 millièmes, as last
 | £8.00
1953 Airs with bars control blocks
| |
534 | 3 millièmes, A/47 (Arabic only) A/48, block of four
 | £2.00
535 | 5 millièmes, A/46 A/47 (both Arabic only), block of four
 | £2.00
536 | 5 millièmes as last, but Arabic A./47 with dot, block of four
 | £2.00
537 | 7 millièmes, A/52, block of four
 | £3.00
538 | 8 millièmes, A/46 A/47 (both Arabic only), block of four
 | £3.00
Varieties – Egypt and Palestine paired from same positions
| |
539 | 10 millièmes 1958 Human Rights (Bal 220), specks around face in position 22, unlisted, horizontal right marginal pair; together with same variety on Palestine issue (Bal 3), both NH
 | £6.00
540 | 10 millièmes Human Rights (Bal 220), unlisted lower left horizontal pair showing spot over map in position 46; and same variety on Palestine issue (Bal 3), both NH
 | £6.00
541 | 35 millièmes 1958 Human Rights right marginal block of four showing retouch over Arabic (Bal 221b, position 39); and same variety on Palestine issue (Bal 4a), both NH
 | £12.00
542 | 10 millièmes Gaza commem, lower marginal pair showing cracked label (Bal 185a, position 47); and same variety on Palestine Bal 1a, NH
 | £9.00
Commemorative Blocks of Four
| |
543 | 10 mills visit of King Saud (Bal 95), control A46, block of four “fine used” with Cairo / 2 CDS CTO, NH
 | £1.00
544 | 10 mills Troops Withdrawal (Bal 102), control A/46, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
545 | 10 mills Parliamentary Conference (Bal 115), control A/47, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
546 | 10 mills Ibrahim Pasha (Bal 121), control A/48, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
547 | 10 mills Mixed Courts (Bal 133), control A/49, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
548 | 10 mills Railways Centenary (Bal 178), control A/57, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
549 | 10 mills + 15 mills Union of Egypt and Syria (Bal 205-6), control A/58, two blocks of four, NH
 | £2.00
550 | 10 mills Qassim Amin (Bal 208), control A/58, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
551 | 10 mills Republic of Iraq (Bal 217), control A/58, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
552 | 10 mills Cairo University (Bal 222), control A/47, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
553 | 10 mills Post Day (Bal 223), control A/59, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
554 | 10 mills Afro-Asian Youth (Bal 224), control A/59, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
555 | 10 mills UAR Anniversary (Bal 225), control A/59, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
556 | 10 mills Arab Telecommunications (Bal 227), control A/59, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
557 | 10 mills Union of UAR and Yemen (Bal 228), control A/59, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
558 | 10 mills Arab Petroleum Congress (Bal 229), control A/59, block of four, NH
 | £1.00
Harrison Pictorial variety
| |
559 | 1m felucca (Bal 140), marginal block of four with spectacular selvage, showing two varieties – two dots omitted (position 100) and broken frame (position 90). NH mint
 | £3.00
560 | Another as last, NH mint
 | £3.00
1933 Air Mail issue – the following 27 lots are varieties catalogued by Leon Balian. All are illustrated between pp 292-304 of Book Two
| |
561 | 1 millième, A/36 control, full sheet containing Bal 351, 330j, 330l (positions 9,3,5). Sheet folded, some splitting, MNH. Part illustrated
 | £24.00
562 | 1 millième, A/36 control, alternative full sheet containing Bal 330b, 330c (positions 36, 32). Sheet folded, some splitting, MNH. Part illustrated
 | £15.00
563 | 1 millième, left marginal block of four with Bal 330b, 330c (positions 36, 32) and upper marginal pair with 330j (position 2),MNH
 | £6.00
564 | 2 millième grey, block of four with uncatalogued black spot over plane’s tail, MNH
 | £4.00
565 | 2 millièmes orange, lower marginal block of four with Bal353, MNH
 | £4.00
566 | 3 millièmes, right marginal block of four with Bal333h (position 34), MNH
 | £4.00
567 | 3 millièmes, right marginal block of four with Bal333a (position 20), MNH
 | £4.00
568 | 3 millièmes, left marginal block of six with Bal333d (position 27), MNH
 | £5.00
569 | 3 millièmes, left marginal vertical pair with uncatalogued var, bottom curve of ‘3’ has a faint tail, MNH
 | £3.00
570 | 3 millièmes, lower left corner block of nine with Bal333e (posn 36) and Bal 353 (posn 42), MNH
 | £8.00
571 | 3 millièmes, lower left corner block of four with Bal 353 (posn 42), MNH
 | £4.00
572 | 3 millièmes, top right corner block of four with Bal 351 (posn 9), MNH
 | £4.00
573 | 4 millièmes, top right corner block of four with Bal 351 (posn 9), MNH
 | £4.00
574 | 4 millièmes, as last but with margins, NH
 | £5.00
575 | 4 millièmes, left marginal vertical pair with Bal 334g (posn 26). MNH
 | £5.00
576 | 4 millièmes upper marginal block of four with Bal 334d in position 8. MNH
 | £5.00
577 | 4 millièmes, lower marginal block of eight with Ball 334f (posn 48).MNH
 | £6.00
578 | 7 millièmes, left marginal block of 12 containing Bal 337c, 337d, positions 13, 26, MNH
 | £15.00
579 | 8 millièmes, lower left corner block of four with Bal 353 (posn 42), gum bends not affecting variety, MNH
 | £5.00
580 | 8 millièmes, top left corner block of four with Bal 338d, perforation shift, MNH
 | £6.00
581 | 9 millièmes, top right comer block of four with Bal 351 (position 9), MNH,
 | £10.00
582 | 9 millièmes, bottom marginal pair with Bal 339g (position 46)., MNH
 | £8.00
583 | 10 millièmes, upper marginal block of four with Bal 340a, two incomplete perfs, MNH
 | £6.00
584 | 10 millièmes, block of six showing Bal 340a (three pairs) and Bal 340e (posn 12), MNH
 | £12.00
585 | 20 millièmes, top left corner pair with Bal 341f (position 1), MNH
 | £15.00
586 | 30 millièmes left marginal block of four with uncatalogued variety, coloured spot over tail, MNH
 | £4.00
587 | 30 millièmes, right marginal block of six with Bal 342f (position 35), MNH
 | £8.00
Second Issue
| |
588 | 1867, 5 piastre brown (SG 16, NP D13), Type 2, mint
 | £30.00
589 | 1867, 5 piastre brown (SG 16, NP D13), Type 1, mint
 | £30.00
590 | 1867, 5 piastre brown (SG 16, NP D13), Type 3, sl damage at upper left, hinged mint
 | £20.00
591 | 1867, 5 piastre brown (SG 16, NP D13), Type 2, used at COSTAN..
 | £18.00
1884 Provisional Surcharge
| |
592 | 20 para on 5-piastre with surcharge inverted (SG 57a, NPD40a), fine used at Alexandria
 | £8.00
Xmas seal
| |
593 | 1933 British Forces in Egypt Xmas Seal, 3 millièmes brown-lake (SG A4, NP BF4), fine used
 | £8.00
Flying Boat service
| |
594 | 8 AU 38, cover marking inauguration of thrice-weekly flying boat air mail service between Australia and England (Qantas and Imperial) via Cairo. Neat cover illustrated with map, addressed to Kent and franked Aus 5d KGV. No backstamp
 | £3.00